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After three grueling days, we were flying back to the compound. The entire time I avoided Wanda. How could someone be so cruel? I didn't do anything to provoke her craziness and scariness, but it just happened.

I got off the jet with my bag and walked into the compound. The rest of the Avengers were behind, me being first in and to put my stuff i to the laundry.

I made my way down the long halls and to my office space, hoping nobody would dare to come in, as usually nobody did unless it was Natasha.

I sighed and fumbled around for the key to my office. Everyone else had keycards, but I preferred a key incase of outages. I liked to have a planned exit at all times.

I finally got the key out and shoved it into the keyhole, sighing as I did a full loop around, and  opened it. I immediately threw a knife to the wall, whizzing past my chair.

"Your precision is on point, Agent Parker." Fury said with a smirk.

"I aimed with purpose of scaring the idiot who decided to hop in my chair." I went and sat over in one of the beanbag chairs, keeping my eyes on Fury.

"Look, you know I wouldn't choose you to do this job, but Romanoff needs help and Barton's going back to his family now. Basically retiring almost." Fury said, eyeing me down with his unsheathed eye.

"I need you to help Romanoff train the SHIELD recruits and Avengers." Fury said, leaning into my chair. "Look I'm flattered, but can't."

"Why not Agent Parker?" Fury questioned, leaning over the desk now. "Stutter, and people." I walked over to my framed photos, squinting into one of them to make myself look busy.

"You're my last resort. Tony's going back to whatever he has been doing, I gave Steve an assignment he has to fulfill and he won't be back for a while, Rhodes is doing his own thing, and I don't trust Banner with training as he can't even fend for himself without the Hulk ripping through."

"Fine, only if it's mainly non-power." I said, walking over and put my hand out. "Oh no, it's both. If you do both, power and non power, I'll give Winnie some room or something." Fury said, and as if on cue, Winnie burst through the doors.

"Deal." I grumbled, and shook Fury's hand. He walked over to Winnie and gave his head a ruffle, and walked out. I closed the door and sat on my chair, sighing at the paperwork I had to fill now.

Becoming an Avenger was a lot, but it was rewarding at times. This paperwork though, was not rewarding. I was obviously going to have to fill out injury reports, progress reports, declines, and whatnot.

There was so much more than I even realized there was, which was stupid because Fury told me all the details I needed to know about this job.

Though being an Agent had its perks, it didn't help having a stutter. Yeah it never went away, neither did being deaf. I grabbed a pen and started filling out some acceptance forms, and it gave me an idea.

"Hey Friday, can you have someone bring me a coffee in?"

"Of course. A nearby agent or Avenger shall be notified now." The robot replied, leaving me back in silence. I put the pen back to paper when a knock came through the door.

"In." I grumbled, keeping my eyes on the paperwork. Winnie was on his puppy sized bed, curled up and probably asleep.

"Asked for coffee?" Someone said, and I looked up. A random Shield recruit. I sighed and nodded. The person skittishly placed the coffee on my desk and slipped out.

"Thanks Friday, that was quick."

"I am glad to be if service." The AI replied through the rooms speakers. I put my had over the mug, and I threw my hand back. It was scorching hot.

I rose from my desk threw open the door. A whole group of recruits. Some were much more taller than me.. don't we just love being 5'2.

"You think funny?"

"Actually yes, we do." One said. Making an example of someone would hopefully do the job. It was a male, around 6'4, perfect for the job.

Swiftly, I grabbed the recruit and lifted them up by the collar of their shirt, somehow lifting them off the ground.

"Hey hey woah! Calm down I'm sorry!"

"Where was the funny?"

"In making you angry or something I don't know!" I agent struggled against my grip, causing me to chuckle.

"May be 6'4, but you aint got shit on me." I threw the recruit into another one, causing them to both go toppling down.

"Well hello Agent Parker." The familiar voice echoed through the halls. I kept my eyes trained on the recruits.

"Agent Romanoff, hi." I turned my head over to Nat, who was now standing next to me, and of course just had to be taller than me.

"See you're already breaking them in before training?"

"Whipping into shape."

"I can see that. Recruits, for this mockery, you're running two laps around the whole compound outside, starting now." Romanoff smirked, The recruits basically chased one another through the halls to find an exit.

"Well that's one way to punish." I shrugged as Nat through her head back and chuckled.

"Rather be scary then pitiful."

"Bullshit." I chuckled, walking down the corridors with Nat and to the training room.

"You have combat training with Wilson, Maximoff, and some SHIELD recruits." Nat said, handing me a clipboard with everyone's files.

"Already? We just got back Nat." I whined, flipping through everyone's files.

"No rest for the weary, especially for Avengers Parker. Maybe we'll skip a training or two today if you can do what you're supposed to do without snapping."

"So you heard?"

"Oh yeah, great way to make someone shut up." Nat laughed as some Agents pooled in, and we composed ourselves and stood at attention, waiting for everyone else.

"Welcome, recruits to basic training. I'm Agent Romanoff and this is Agent Parker, your trainers." Nat said and I gave a subtle nod to everyone.

"Maximoff, Wilson you're late." I deadpanned before they even walked in.

"Uh, sorry Steve and I were caught up-"

"That's a lie, Steve is on a mission."

"Fine, I was making fun of Rhode's Iron Patriot suit." Sam grumbled as he joined in the group.

"And you, Maximoff?" Nat turned her head over to where she now stood.

"I was with Vision." She mumbled, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. How do you make friends with a robot.

"Anyways. For the next month or so your asses are ours for three hours everyday but the weekends unless something changes. Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am." The Agents yelled out in unison. This group was gonna be a pain in my ass and I knew it.

ArachnophobiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora