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I was stood in front of some man, and my Uncle Ben. He held a gun. I was scared, I didn't want this.

"Just give me the money!"

"I don't have any.."

"Give me the money!

"Just shoot him for crying out loud!"

"No!" I screamed, and Ben was shot. The man fled the scene and I held onto Uncle Ben's body.

"Please Uncle Ben.. please.."


"Alex you alright?"

I jolted awake, sweating like crazy. We were at the ship, about to jump.

"You alright?" Nat said, worriedly. I quickly got up and pressed the button to the jet, and the back came down. I quickly jumped, perfectly positioning myself. I put my mask on before hitting the ice cold water, Steve was in suit behind me.

I started crawling up the ship, freezing my ass off as I was most certainly prone to frost bite. I webbed a few people down, and knocked them out. Steve was doing the same, taking people out one by one.

"Don't move!" I felt a gun barrel to my head. Steve was no where to be found.

"Don't move of I blow yo' head!" I quickly zipped around, sliding my leg out and he fell like a fly. I grabbed the gun and threw it off the ship, and webbed the guys mouth and body down, only for Nat to land on his body.


"You alright?" Steve said as the three of us walked down the ship.

"What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice." Nat said

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date."

"I'm multitasking." Nat said as we jumped down, going to the boiler room. We made it, and overheard a conversation.

"Durand. Démarre le moteur."


"Hey sailor." Nat said, and knocked him out. I grabbed onto Nat and readied myself.

"You sure?"

"You dropped me down from over 500 feet up I think I'll survive 20 feet." Nat said, and I shrugged. I held onto Nat by her belt, and shot a web up to the wall, lowering us down as she took french pirates down.

"Nice." We ran down the catwalk, almost near the boiler room.

"Natasha, Parker, what's your status?" I heard some foot steps and we started running faster.

"Status, Romanoff!"

"Hold on!" Nat said, and we both started taking out the pirates.

"Engine Room secured." Nat grabbed onto a pipe, and whacked the mans head, and he was out cold. We made our way back up, finding the control room.

"Ah ha.."

"Stand guard, I got this." Nat said, pushing in a SHIELD flash drive and got to typing. I heard shouting coming from the other end, and suddenly Steve came in, knocking the Batroc guy out.

"Well, this is awkward."

"What are you doing?"

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into."

"Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?" Steve goes over to Natasha and looked at what Natasha was backing up. I only watched in amusement.

"You're saving SHIELD Intel."

"Whatever we can get our hands on." Nat said, smirking over to me.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages."

"No. That's your mission." She finished backing up the drive and pulls the flash drive out.

"And you've done it beautifully." As Nat and I went to leave Steve grabbed her arm.

"You just jeopardized this whole operation."

"I think that's overstating things."

Suddenly Batroc rose and threw a grenade at the three of us as he ran off. Steve deflected the bomb with his shield, grabbed Natasha and left me. He jumped through a window as it exploded. I took cover under a desk, and I felt the full force of the grenadine, knocking the wind out of me.

"Okay. That one's on me." I heard Nat say. I started coughing, seal coughing from the smoke. It was thick and the mask did nothing to prevent smoke from coming in.

"You're damn right." I heard Steve say, and ran out of the room to find Batroc. Nat made her way out, looking around.

"Parker where are you?"

"Jesus christ you alright?" Nat said, watching as I coughed and wheezed. She grabbed me and helped me up.

"Double the ice cream." I coughed out my last few smoke and dust, and finally cleared my throat.

"Yeah, maybe triple.." Nat mumbled. I slung Nat's arm around my shoulder, letting her lean onto me. We walked down to where Rumlow was as the quinjet landed on the ship.

"SHIELD will be arriving to pick up everyone. We're clear to leave. All agent are safe including Jasper Sitwell. You okay, Romanoff?"

"I'm fine. Check Alex's lungs, would you?"

"We have a medical team for that."

"I know you know how to, so do it." Nat seethed. Rumlow shrugged and took out a medic kit and a stethoscope, checking the hair in my lungs.

"You're all clear, just some altered breathing but it's from the stress levels their at." Rumlow said blanky, then went back to the quinjet.

Nat and I walked in, Steve ignored us, obviously pissed. I felt bad, he was my friend and I didn't mean to betray him like that.

"About earlier, Alex. What happened?" Nat said, and I shook my head. I didn't feel like explaining that my father figure had died since my actual father did literally die and now I had nobody.

I saw Nat as a mother figure mainly because the only one I had was dead. Nat took care of me, drove me to school, helped me study for exams, do paperwork. Everything.

I still hadn't had the guts to tell her that, which hurt, but I think she knew. She treated me like her own kid, which was nice. Nat respected my boundaries with talking and such, except when were around the Avengers, that's when she really wanted for me to socialize.

"Alright, tell me when we get back to the apartment. May knows that you're coming in a week?" I nodded, and Nat rested her head on my shoulder. I leaned back some, getting comfy.

"Your earbuds are in the bag below." Nat mumbled. I nodded and grabbed the bag and found the phone and earbuds.

Now playing : Dancing Queen, by ABBA

I assume Nat heard was I was listening to and smiled. It was one of my favorite songs that we both enjoyed listening to. Nat bought a piano for the apartment just so we can sing along to some old songs.

Karaoke night kinda.

I drifted off, and Nat did too. I had an off feeling but I'm not sure why. Whatever it was I'm sure it was just about Steve since he was angry at us.

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