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Did I want to go to Stark's party?

Hell no.

Did I have to?



Natasha Romanoff is why.

Nat has been bugging me about not going to any of Stark's parties, which was mainly because I wanted to avoid people who work with the papers or magazines.

Since the whole ordeal with Nat leaking everything, I've been, well..

Too cautious.

There has been not one photo of me taken without my Spider-Man stuff on.

I use Nat a little too well per-say.

I was starving, really starving. I wanted a Happy Meal, they looked amazing. Like they were just meant for Alex Parker.

"Alex! Let's go you have training!" Nat yelled, walking into my room. I was quick to cover up and throw on a shirt and shorts, and Nat only rolled her eyes.

"I ain't starin, but you look good. Nice work." Nat said, poking my stomach. I lifted up my shirt and looked at myself.




It was nice to know I didn't look like a twig anymore, thank god. The internet started calling me twig with buff arms.

"You know, after the three mile run I'll get you whatever you want. My treat." Nat smirked, throwing a protein shake at me. I took a sip of it and immediately spat it out.

"What? Don't like Crest?" Nat laughed as my eyes watered out of pure disgust. I spat all the contents of the shake out and threw it at Nat.

"That's toothpaste!"

"Boohoo SpiderMan."

"Fuck you."

"Watch your tone."

"Watch your ass."

"I can't, all I'd see is my perfect body in the way."

"Oh shut up." I mumbled, throwing a sweaty shirt at her from earlier. Nat mumbled something and threw it in the laundry.

"Look kid, clean up your room. Looks like you went through a major breakup." Nat said, leaving the room and coming back with a garbage bag.


"Yes Drill Sergeant." I said and picked up all of the junk I didn't need. Cups, food, plates, plastic utensils, whatever. After ten minutes, everything was back to clean.

"Let's go." Nat said, already running out the door. I quickly threw on my old converse and a mask to cover my face as we ran. Nat was the one who recommended it to be fair, making sure my face stayed off the public. It would be weird to see some random person running with the Black Widow.

We ran down all the flights of stairs in Stark Tower and out the door. The mask I wore, was, well, basically a gator mask with a skull front, dark black shades covering my face, and a forwards cap.

Since I had shorter hair, my hair was easy to hide within the cap. We hit the great outdoors and press immediately swarmed us, and thats when I became an Actor.

"Excuse me Black Widow! Where is Spiderman exactly?"

"Will we ever see Spider-Man in public without their mask?"

"Just one question!"

"Move it people we got places to be!" I shouted over everyone, being a human shield for Nat as we pushed our way through the press, occasionally seeing pictures being flashed.

"Excuse me, are you her bodyguard?" Someone yelled, and I turned to them as we walked past.

"Yes. Now move it." I said in a deep voice, trying to not sound so light voiced.

"Do you see Spider-Man?"

"Yes. I said move it." I said, and we finally broke past them. We started running down the side walk towards the more richer estates.

"How long till you show your face?"


"You're gonna have to one day."

"Yeah, and that's one day, not today."

"Fair enough." Nat said, and we kept running. After the mile and a half point, we turned around and ran back, and the occasional press came to bombard Nat with questions about me and the Avengers.

"Move!" I shouted, and moved some people aside as we squeezed through again, and we finally saw Tony and some other guards waiting outside, in the exact same apparel, but wearing black shirts and black pants. They had the sleek glasses, cap, and skull mask to make it seem as if I was one of them.

"Move it let's go Park-Patterson! We have a quick meeting with Spider-Man and then the party, I expect you to be there." Tony said, almost revealing my identity.

"Is that Spider-Man!" Someone yelled, reaching out to pull down my mask. One of the guards were quick to intervene, grabbing them and moving them away from everyone.

"Do not touch my guard or I will hurt you." Nat said to the crowd, and they all jogged off, knowing her past she most likely would.

"Let's go Patterson."

"Nat can we go to McDonalds." I whined, and she looked at her clock. She sighed and nodded, making me throw my fist up in the air.

"What do you want?"

"A happy meal!" I blurted, and Nat threw her head back and laughed.

"Alright, Patterson. What else do you want with that, and what do you want in the meal."

"6 piece nugget, chocolate milk, extra fries in the happy meal, and then I want two large fries and a large vanilla milkshake."

"Jesus didn't we just buffen you up?" Nat said with a laugh and slapped my arm. I shrugged and headed inside, wiping my forehead with the bottom of my shirt. One of the guards went out with her to fill my spot, and I got into the elevator, taking off all my undercover stuff.

"Hello spider!" Thor yelled as I stepped out of the elevator, giving me a bear hug. I smiled and patted his back, stepping off him.

"My you have gotten stronger! Asgardians would be proud of you, even the Valkyries would believe you are strong, as long as you can ride the horses." Thor said as we swapped places and he went into the elevator. I waved and went down the hall and to my room, and took off the sweaty ass shirt.

No, I didn't throw it on the floor.

I quickly put it in the hamper and grabbed a towel, ready to shower. I opened the bathroom door and started getting the water right, nice as warm but not too hot. I threw off the rest of my clothes and started my routine.

This party was going to kill me.

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