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We were in a helicarrier. I was being held at gun point, the barrel of the gun at my head. Steve just made it up when he saw me.

He looked horrified.

I knew it was because if my state.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." Bucky only stared at him coldly, pressing the gun to my head harder

"Please, don't make me do this."

Seeing Bucky won't back down Steve throws his shield at him and Bucky throws me aside, down the helicarrier. They start battling each other, as they fight Steve manages to bring up the targeting blade system, but as Bucky attacks him the chip falls from Steve's hand

Bucky stabs Steve in the shoulder with his knife and then grabs the fallen chip, but Steve manages to get the knife out, grab Bucky by the throat and throws him down, armlocks him.

"Drop it! Drop it!" Steve yells Bucky continues to hold the chip, Steve breaks his arm and holds onto his throat until he passes out and lets go of the chip, Steve then grabs the chip and rushes off.

"Alex! Alex I'll be back I swear!"


"Done." I looked at my phone after leaking everything onto the internet.

"Spiderman Identity revealed? Who is Alex Parker?"

"And it's trending." Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn deeply into their sternum. Fury and I point our guns at Pierce.

"Unless you want a two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down."  I didn't back down.

"That was armed the moment you pinned it on." Fury and I reluctantly lowered our weapons weapons.


"One minute." I heard Maria say. I desperately tried to get back up to the Helicarrier to get to the targeting system, when Bucky becomes conscious and shot me in the left thigh and then the right shoulder. I still amazingly managed to get up.

"Thirty seconds, Cap!"

"Stand by." I grabbed the chip out.

"Charlie..." Bucky shot me in the stomach and I fell, groaning.

"We've reached three thousand feet. Sat link coming online now." I realized my comms switched to HYDRA's.

"Deploy algorithm."

"Algorithm deployed."

"We are go to targets." I heard Alexander Pierce say.

"Target saturation reached. All targets assigned."

"Fire when ready."

"Firing in, three, two, one." At that moment I managed to get up and place the chip in the Helicarrier's targeting blade overriding the system and locking it down.

"Charlie locked." I groaned, leaning against the wall.

"Where are the targets? Where are the targets?"  I heard go through the comms. I changed comms back to ours and heard some chatter.

"Okay, Cap, get out of there." Hill then gets the Helicarriers weapon targets to open fire upon each other.

"Fire now!"

"But, Steve..."

"Do it! Do it now" I was still inside the Helicarrier looks at Bucky below me, then back at the Triskelion.

"What a waste." Pierce said as the helicarriers crashed into each other.

"Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?" I said smugly.

"Time to go, Councilwoman. This way, come on. You're gonna fly me out of here." We started to slowly walk away.

"You know, there was a time I would have taken a bullet for you." Fury said, stalling.

"You already did. You will again when it's useful." I activated small disc that emits an electric shock through my whole body and disables the pin.



"Natasha, come on!" I opened my eyes.

"Ow. Those really do sting." I got up and walked where Pierce was bleeding out from. As the Helicarriers continue to destroy each other Pierce lies on the floor and says with his last dieing breath.

"Hail HYDRA." Just then one Helicarrier crashes into a dam beneath the Triskelion.


"You know me." Bucky lashed out at me in anger.

"NO, I DON'T!"

"Bucky, you've known me your whole life." Bucky hits me, but I choose not to fight back.

"Your name...is James Buchanan Barnes." Bucky hits me again.


"I'm not gonna fight you." I take off my mask and drop the shield out of the Helicarrier.

"You're my friend." Bucky pushes me to the ground, and we were just barely on edge.

"you're my mission." He then mercilessly punched me repeatedly across the face.




"Then finish it..." I mumbled. Bucky hesitates holding his fist up, about to hit me.

"Cause I'm with you...to the end of the line."Bucky looks at me as if he's starting to remember, just then the bottom of the Helicarrier falls, sending me down into the river below as Bucky watches from the Helicarrier.

                           Nobody's POV

Bucky dropped down the helicarrier, grabbing Alex's limp body and diving into the river, grabbing Steve as well.

He stood there, giving one more look at Steve's, which was bleeding. Bucky grabbed Alex's limp body and dragged them off, leaving Steve.

After sometime, Maria found the two on the radar near the river.

"Sam, Romanoff, Fury. I got Steve but he's not alone."

"Let's go then." Natasha said, gabbing something new to wear. Maria stayed behind, getting a helicopter for evac while the three got on a boat and slowly approached the land near the river, finding Steve.

"Careful Romanoff, Barnes could be nearby." Fury said, and Sam ran into the water to see the body.

"It's Steve's."

"Let's go get him on then."

"There's dragging in the dirt, Someone else was there. Can someone follow it?" Nat said as Sam foreman carried Steve onto the boat. Sam started steering us away down the river to where Maria would get us with a helicopter.

"Where's Parker?"

"Dead.." Nat mumbled, looking at Steve's unconscious body.

"I'm sorry Romanoff, I shouldn't have let you get attached to the kid."

"No, no it's okay. I loved the kid, they were the kindest soul."

"I'll inform their Aunt that they're working overtime and not dead. It'll crush her."

"Right, right okay." Nat mumbled, looking out into the distance. It was a feeling of guilt that Natasha hadn't had in a while. More so it was more of Steve's fault, but she couldn't help but feel responsible.

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