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"Parker? You ready to go?" Nat said, walking into the room. It was around eleven at night, and I'd finally finished reading and signing all the paperwork.

"I take it as a yes. Come on, I'll drive you home." Nat said, helping me up. I picked up the file and Maria showed up.

"Hey, you're desk will be in tomorrow along with a chair and such. I'll take the papers by the way." Maria said, taking them from me. I nodded and slugged to the elevator.

"Someone's tired."

"Shut up Romanoff."

"Ooh, you get angry when you're tired?"

"I said shut up!"

"Alright." Nat said as we got to the parking deck.

"Wait here, I'll pull the car around." She said, walking away. I went and sat on the bench, rubbing my face.

"Hey, you're the new Agent, aye?" Some random girl came up to me. I nodded and another girl appeared.

"Well, it's tradition that the new agent does everyone's files and mission reports, injury reports, the good stuff." The other girl said as Nat pulled up.

"Hey ladies." She said, and I started walking to the car.

"Oh no, you don't wanna do that she doesn't give rides." The girl said, looking at me like I was insane.

"Oh no, I'm their driver. They're fifteen and can't drive just yet."

"How the hell do you know the new agent, aye?"


"Oh, okay. Well we'll see you tomorrow and give you the stuff." The two girls started walking to their cars. I closed the door to Nat's car and reclined the seat, laying back on it.

"Long drive, you're Aunt knows that you had a double shift."

"Great." I mumbled, drifting off.

                          Nobody's Pov
The highway Natasha had driven on was empty, not a soul to be seen. It was raining, very heavily. Fog was covering the view from every angle.

"Hi." Alex said, stretching their limbs.

"Hello. We're taking a shortcut."


"So, the agents. What were Agent Rein and Agent Mavus asking for?"


"No lying Parker."

"They were asking about who I was."

"Yeah, okay. You don't even speak so I wouldn't find that a problem." Nat seethed.

"Why angry?"

"Because some Agents are assholes!"


"They'll make you do all their work. It happened to our last Agent. They quit."

"I'm not going to!"

"Well it's a possibility that you will!"

"It's not you decision who I talk with!"

"Maybe if you actually talked you would fucking understand tha-" The car exploded, flying upwards. The car flew off the small bridge and into a small stream.


"Alex come on you gotta get up!" Nat yelled. I groaned, putting my hand onto my forehead. I felt a warm liquid, and took my hand off. Blood.

"Alex we gotta go!" I heard Nat scream. I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. I could feel my legs but I was just frozen in fear. I heard gunfire clanking off the car.

Fight or Flight kicked in. I started kicking down the door. The car door slowly gave out and dropped onto the floor. I slowly crawled out, gripping onto the rocks and gravel to help myself crawl.

"Alex! Move!" Nat said, grabbing me and dragging me against the car as someone sprayed bullets at us.

"You alright!"

"Yeah. You?"

"Parker I'm fine. Your head is bleeding, your bandages look like shit... you got damage to your leg as well."

"Get down!" Nat yelled, pushing me down. The bullet ripped through Nat's hip and into my stomach. I groaned and rolled out from under Nat, looking down to my stomach.

"Alex!" Nat basically screamed. I touched my stomach and my hand was stained in blood, as well as my favorite shirt.

"Shit come on.. pick up pick up pick up.." Nat said, holding the phone to her shoulder and apply pressure to my wound. All the gunfire was gone.

"Romanoff I know you're not calling me at this time."

"Code Blue Nick. Code, blue." Nat panted, ignoring her hip. Nat ripped some of my jean pant and wrapped it around my leg, stopping it from bleeding. She took off her jacket and put it under my head.

"Evac is on the way. How's Parker doing?"

"I don't see an exit wound. It's pretty bad.."

"Evac is on a helicopter, minute out. Pop a signal flare." Nat put the phone next to me on speaker.

"Hold pressure on your wound, I'll be back in one minute you hear me!" Nat said, running to the flipped over car

"Loud.. clear.." I coughed, spitting out some blood.

"Agent Parker. I'm not alerting your Aunt, or we'll be compromised. You'll be given a different name of Archie Briggs. You're 18. Act like it."

"Cool." I said as the flare went up, and a helicopter appeared. It lowered something down, along with some ladder for Nat.

"I'm picking you up."


"Now!" Nat said and I was lifted off the ground and onto the gurney thing. Another day another gurney I guess. Strapped in, I realize I was flying up.

"You'll be fine!" Nat yelled from the ladder, climbing up it. I made it up to the helicopter and they started putting some needles into me. An IV was in me and I started getting tired, slowly drifting.

"Alex gonna be alright?" I heard Nat question, sounded as if she was shaky.

"Yeah. What the hell happened down there?" One of the medics said, hearing his body shift.

"I think I know.." Nat mumbled, patching up her own wound in the process.

"You wanna elaborate?"

"No, no I do not." Nat said with a sigh, and I fell asleep.

I knew what happened. No, it wasn't SHIELD. It was the Winter Soldier. I've heard stories from other agents, whispering about when he'll make his next appearance.

I saw him.

I know I did.

He just disappeared when he shot Alex. Was that his mission? Goal? Whatever it was, they were aiming to kill Alex.

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