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"Do you know how risky that was Parker!" Steve said angrily as I sat in the meeting room being lectured by Steve, Tony, and Natasha.

"Honestly, Parker what were you thinking? You know the rules about this. One slip up and it's over." Tony shouted as I fiddled around with my rings. Wanda informed Steve about my.. antics and here I was, all anxious and scared.

"I expect better from you. If you want to be an Avenger you have to take responsibility and not decide when you want to become Spiderman out in public!" Tony yelled, slamming a brief case down.

"Tony, you don't decide! I was the first recruited Avenger besides Romanoff and Barton! You don't have privilege to take my suits away." I argued, glaring at Tony.

"Yeah well you're a kid so maybe I should! You're young and dumb! If you're gonna play stupid then maybe you don't deserve the suit!" Tony argued back, rubbing his stubble.

"Yeah, says you. At least I don't get drunk and break hearing devices!" I shouted, and Steve shook his head as Nat said something incoherent.

"Maybe I should've just broken the other hearing aides you have on!" Tony yelled, and I cranked down the volume to my borrowed hearing aides to nothing.

I got up as a ringing sound filled my ears, basically throwing the seat back and stormed out. I slammed the glass door and felt vibrations from the floor, and looked at the door.


I looked back at them and gulped, storming off again. Tony didn't understand, he never would. Only Clint would. Just Clint. He was going deaf like me, except I was completely deaf.

I ran up the stairs and stormed off into my room. Lots of storming. I was mad. I had a right to be. Tony doesn't own the Avengers. He doesn't decide who's in or who's out.

Before captain capsicle they had been eyeing me down, searching for who Spider-Man was. Right in front of their eyes I sat there at my deaf ass just there.

I slammed the door shut, walking across the room. I started to pace around, looking for a reasonable answer to why the fuck Tony and Steve, even Natasha had ownership to me!

"I am no pet. I don't bow down to no man." I heaved, punching the hard bag that hung from my ceiling. That's when it clicked.

I'll punch out my thoughts. It'll keep me from having a blackout from anger, and it will keep me focused on something useful.

I stripped down into just a tank top and boxer shorts, leaving my bare feet to touch the ground. This was mainly what I worked out in on a daily basis.

I started punching the bag, letting my anger take into it, feeding into it like it was a never ending void of hate.

That bitch Tony had a sober look on his face when he saw me walk through the doors in my suit, heavin' like a bitch in heat.

The bag started to violently move, and I dodged it. I thought it was Tony who I was beating. He is the weakest Avenger considering he hides behind a metal suit of armor.

I felt vibrations move throughout my room, and I stopped, holding onto the bag now. I leaned my head against it as I felt two arms snake around my waist, making me turn my head to see Maximoff with her head now on my shoulder.

Relax she mouthed, and I hung my head. I tried to walk away, but her grip was like steal on me. I looked up at Wanda and she let go, walking to my drawers and handing me a fresh shirt.

Use this Wanda said, and I threw it on. The shirt hugged me in every way possible, the way I wanted to be hugged. I noticed Wanda biting her bottom lip nervously.

"What wrong?" I said hesitantly, throwing off my pants and putting on sweatpants. Wanda seemed to stalk towards me, looking for something desirably.

"There's something wrong with Tony that you need to know." Wanda mumbled, looking at me. "Before I'm alone?" I said with a groan.

"Yeah, what? That he' a drunk bastard!" I huffed, getting annoyed by the second since she just stood there. "Shut up asshole! You know what fuck you and screw the shit I was gonna tell you Parker." Wanda said in a fit of rage, her eyes going through red and her normal.

"Good! Go!" I said, and before I knew it, a hand cracked into my face, causing me to stumble back. Where was my tingle?

"You want a piece!" Wanda yelled, slapping me again. "Go for it let's go Stutter fuck!" Wanda yelled, striking me down again.

"Go away!" I shot a web onto her hands and backed away, then pushing her out the door. "Never speak to me!" I yelled, slamming the door then locking it.

"Yeah fuck you too Parker you're fucking useless you deaf ass cow!" Wanda yelled, I could hear her storming down the hall to Visions room. She literally likes a robot.

A synthesoid.

A literal tin can!

She wants to be fucked by a machine you know how creepy that is? It was so obvious too, but Vision can't pick up on the social ques like me, but he's a robot and I'm like the equivalence to one.

I sighed and looked at the hanging bag. How could I think of someone that way? He's like family to me yet there I was pretending I was punching him into death.

I'm a horrible person, aren't I? I mean Maximoff tried to help me out but I snapped and didn't listen. My cheek tingled at the sensation of being slapped by Maximoff. There was definitely going to be a hand print somewhere or just a bruise.

"I hate this shit." I said, flopping onto my bed. There was a soft scratch on the door, which I ignored. There was a loud bark and then another scratch.

"I'm coming I'm coming, Win-a-boo." I got up and walked to the door, letting him in. "You don't think I'm bad, right?" I said, sitting on the floor with him.

"Why am I asking a dog he can't speak." I chuckled, but Winnie started to softly lick my cheek. "Or they can, thanks bud."

A/n : Updated version.

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