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I woke up to falling off the cot thing that was the bed. Lucky for me, we already touched base at wherever we were.

"Welcome back to earth, Parker." Romanoff smirked. I sucked in a breath and shook my head, gathering my things.

"Watch your step when you come out, don't need you plummeting down." Hill said, the pilot opening the door to the back of the jet. We exited out and all I could do was gasp.

"This huge!" I practically squealed, causing Romanoff to smirk in amusement. Hill only shrugged as if she did this on a daily basis.

"Captains about to arrive with Coulson, as well as Banner. Mind if you be a tour guide?" Hill said, and Romanoff smirked.

"Sure, as long as they don't drool." Romanoff joked, causing me to shake my head. Yes, she was "hot" but I don't think they'd drool over her. Suddenly, two jets landed and out came the Captain America.

"Hello boys." Romanoff.

"Captain Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff." The person who I assumed was Coulson said.

"Hi." Romanoff said, looking to me. She did some weird hand movements, which left me confused. I think she was trying to get me to introduce myself maybe?

"Whatever, Captain Rogers, this is Alex Parker."

"No offense, but they look tiny.. why are they here?" Steve deadpanned, I could only scoff in response.

"They are the Spider-Man. Alex can shoot webs out of their wrists and have extremely crazy reflexes, watch." Romanoff said, and a tenis came flying at me at full speed. It seemed as if everything had slowed down, giving me enough time to catch it.

"Impressive, I don't believe the webs part though." Coulson laughed. I rolled my eyes and shot a web at his mouth. His eyes widened as he let out a muffled yell. Steve chuckled along with Natasha as Coulson ripped it off and spat out some webs.

"Not cool webs! Not cool!" He whined. We split away from Coulson, walking around some.

"You were quite the buzz around here. Thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Ever get you to sign his trading cards?"

"Trading what?" Steve said.

"They're vintage, he's very proud." Natasha said with a smirk.

"Doctor Banner." Steve said, redirecting the conversation. I studied Banner for a momet, noticing how timid he was.

"Hi, they told me you would be coming."

"And you?" Banner said.

"I, um."

"Alex Parker, Spider-Man." Romanoff said for me. I nodded and held out my hand, and Bruce gave my hand a gentle shake. I enjoyed that, he seemed fragile.

"Word is you can find the cube?" Steve said with a hint of sadness, which I wasn't sure why.

"Is that the uh, only word on me?" Bruce deadpanned.

"Only word I care about."

"Must be strange for you, ya know?" Bruce smiled.

"Well, this is actually pretty familiar." Steve returned the smile.

"Gentlemen.. and Child, might want to step inside in a minute, it's about to get little hard to breathe.

"So, what is this?" Bruce said as the three of us walked to the edge of the platform.

"A submarine?" Steve said, looking a bit more confused as ever.

"Really, they want me in a submerged pressurized container?" Bruce chuckled nervously. Suddenly everything started to shake, and the wind seemed to pick up. With in seconds, we were flying in the air.

ArachnophobiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang