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Look, wasn't the greatest move I made forcing Alex to come, I'll admit. They do need to come out if their shell though.

Even if they are a teenager.

Because that's life, right?

Facing our issues head on and not hiding.

It was later into the night, most of the guests have left and it's just us Avengers, plus Dr. Cho and Maria Hill sitting around and chatting. Alex kept to themself and observed perusal.

"But, it's a trick!" Clint said, referring to Thor's hammer.

"Oh, no. It's much more than that." Thor smiled.

"Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint said.

"Well please, be my guest." Thor laughed, raising his hand to the hammer.

"Come on." Stark said.

"Really?" Clint said, half-assing it.

"Yeah!" Thor said, waiting in amusement. Barton got up and strutted his way over to the hammer.

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful." Rhodey said.

"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up. " Tony said and the others laughed, even myself.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Barton grabbed Thor's hammer and can't lift it.

"I still don't know how you do it." Clint said, clearly embarrassed. Funny.

"Smell the silent judgment?" Tony jokes.

"Please, Stark, by all means." Stark got up and put his champagne glass down.

"Oh, here we go." I chuckled as Alex came at sat next to me on the couch.

"Okay." Maria said, ready for Tony's embarrassment.

"Uh-oh." Rhodey said.

"Um-hmm." Clint mumbled.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge."

"Get after it."

"Here we go." Alex mumbled.

"It's physics."

"Physics!" Banner repeated, confused. Tony grasps Thor's hammer tightly.

"Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?"

"Yes, of course."

"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." Stark tries to lift the hammer but fails.

"I'll be right back." Tony sped out and put on his armored hand, and tries to lift the hammer again and fails. Rhodey nodded to Tony, who ran and grabbed something. Both wearing their armored hands, Stark and Rhodey both try to lift Thor's hammer.

"Are you even pulling?" Rhodey argued.

"Are you on my team?"

"Just represent! Pull!"

"Alright, let's go!" They both pull as hard as they can, yet still fail. Everyone watches in amusement, that including Alex for once.

Banner tries to lift the hammer, he roars as though pretending to change into the Hulk, and everyone either looks at him warily or grins. Steve gets up to try, and Alex claps their hands.

"Let's go, Steve, no pressure." Tony hollered drunkenly.

"Come on, Cap."

Steve starts pulling on the hammer, only for nothing to happen. I looked over to Thor, who looked somewhat alarmed in a way. He quickly smiled and sipped his beer.

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