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"Ned, what's that over there?" I said into my intercom, and silence came afterwards.

"There's multiple bad guys, Alex. Be cautious, they're armed with.. AR-15's I think."

"You think or you know?" I said, adjusting the backpack on my shoulders. It was my fourth one this year already and I didn't want May to have to buy me a new one, I already felt bad enough since it was all because of the whole Spider-Man thing.

"I know!" Ned basically shouted.

"Safe to go in now Alex-man." Ned said, tapping out and watching the camera footage from my view now.

"Hey, the safest place I can go through is the vent on the east wall, it leads directly into the main area where they all are. Could you possibly turn on the loud speaker and have it screech for a minute so I can swing through it."

"Yeah yeah, on it. Situate yourself now and I'll play it when you push off."

It was safer if I swung through the vents, which was weird in my opinion. I shot a web out to the top of the building and held on to it. Pushing myself off, I heard the screech of their alarms, and with that I slammed into the vent. The sirens turned off and I made my way through the vent, there was a small light where the main room was.

"Almost there, Ned." Pushing open the vent gently, I climbed up the walls and hid myself in a corner.

"We had a deal!" A man in a suit bellowed from below, he was around 5'9, taller than me. I stood only at 5'4, which was depressing to say the least.

"Not anymore, you stole our money."

"Alex, they have some biological weapon go now!" Ned yelled into my ear, and I quickly crawled above them. I felt my foot slip, and I went down. Quickly, I shot a web up to the ceiling and was now upside-down, a few inches above them.

It was now or never, I jumped onto one of the four brute's heads and started to choke them out with my webs. To my surprise, he went down. He was long gone passed out. To be sure, I webbed him down, but I was punched to the side.

"Get up spy-dor-ling." One of the bellowed. I swept their feet out from underneath them and webbed them down, the webs too powerful for them to get up from.

"ALEX WATCH OUT!" Ned screamed, and I saw a blue orb coming at me. I quickly got out of the way, but it hit my backpack and it created a hole in the wall.

"What the hell." My senses tingled, and I quickly turned around and punched the guy coming at me.

"Alex! The big guy is getting away, should I track them for you?" Ned said, I could hear his fingers typing away like crazy.

"Do that." I said as I webbed up two men. The car was long gone when the screen showed the beacon of it and where it was headed.

"Thanks Ned!"

"Don't mention it Spidey, now go get them." Ned said. I took off, bursting through the roof and running on top of the warehouse roof. They were headed for the city of course.

Diving off the roof, shooting a strip of web onto another ware house and started swinging. The beacon showed that it was already in the city, so I jumped onto the top of a semi truck. It was headed for the city.

"Ned! Where are they headed to?"

"The harbor! Keep going!"

"On it." I jumped off the truck and scaled a nearby tower. I stood on top and quickly found the range rover. I sprinted off the building and grabbed my phone, turning on some iTunes.

Now playing : We are Young, by fun.

I quickly shot a web to a nearby apartment and swung myself high into the air and let go, swinging again and again.

"I see it Ned."

"Sweet!" I swung faster when a blue orb hit my side, sending me flying into a wall. I hissed in pain but got up and swung myself up again. Another orb was heading over, so I dropped low.

"Alex, web up the machine it'll stop it from shooting." Ned sounded as if he was a genius, and I had to give him credit.

"Snazzy, thanks Ned!" I shot a web at the gunner, who yelled out something as I webbed up the machinery. I swung myself and latched onto the top of the car.

"Get them off!" Someone yelled, and the car started swerving like crazy. I slide off onto the car door, and they slammed the door into my ribcage. I slammed my fist through the window and threw the guy out, webbing him up to a lamp post.

I went into the car through the window and grabbed the guy who was driving and slam their head into the dashboard, knocking them out. I webbed the boss in the back and steer the car to a police station, getting out before they could see me.

"Nice job, Ned."

"No no, nice job Alex."

"Nice job to us." I laughed, swinging through the city.

"Tonight.. we are young." I sang out some, making my way back to my apartment with May. I got onto the roof if the building and took the suit off and changing into the bag of clothes I left out on the roof.

"Here we go, alright." I mumbled, crawling down the building and opening my window. I quickly locked it and hid the suit in the trapdoor on the ceiling.

"Alex, can I come in?" May said, knocking on the door gently.

"Yeah one sec May!" I said, quickly patching my side up sloppily, I'd fix it later.

"Come in May!" I said, sitting at my desk acting as if nothing had happened.

"Dinner is served, Chinese food." May smiled, closing the door. I quickly got to work, unpatching the wound and grabbing some medical alcohol and a rag. Dabbing a cloth around my wound, getting rid of all the blood. I shoved the rag in my mouth, poured the alcohol all over the wound, screaming into the rag. Working quickly to patch it up, I was finally down with the fuckery that was my wound.

"Hey May, sorry I took a minute, finishing up something." I smiled as I took a seat at the table.

"That's alright, how was school?"

"School was, well school."

"That's, good I guess."

"Um, I need a new backpack.." I mumbled, looking down at my food and eating some.

"What? Say that again Alex?" May said, holding her hand to her ear.

"I uh, I need a new backpack." I gave a small smile.

"Alex, that's the fifth one this year." May complained.

"I know..I just.. they rip easily."

"Oh alright I'll get you a new one next weekend when my salary comes in, alright?"

"Yes, one hundred percent. Thank you May!" I smiled.

"Good, now eat up." May said with a smile.

"Might wanna fix your nose too, did you break it?"

"Uh, yeah I fell down the stairs today, I'm fine though."

"Uh.. huh okay whatever you say Alex." May said with a slight smirk.

ArachnophobiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang