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Something was eerily off with Alex. I asked if they wanted to go out to the park, I received a cold shoulder. They didn't even greet Steve when he just came back from his mission. I even called out to them, nothing. It was like Alex was walking into another dimeson.

"So, who wants to be the one to check on the angry elf?" Steve said, looking around. Everyone shuffled around, and Maximoff rolled her eyes. "I'll do it. Pietro was an ass, so I'll handle it." Wanda said, walking to the elevator doors.

"Alex having a breakdown. Never thought Alex was capable." Sam said, and Tony appeared. Everyone's eyes shot right over to him, and he gave everyone a confused look. Oh, that son of a bitch did something. "Tony you asshole!" I got up and slapped him. Steve came over and grabbed me into a bear hug, making sure I wouldn't get the asshole.

"What? What did I do?" Tony said, being sarcastic as always. "What did you do to set off Alex?" I seethed, looking right at him. "They don't have hearing aides anymore." Tony said with a toothy smile.


"He's drunk." I said, and everyone looked at him. How did nobody realize he was when he came in, he reeked of it. Alex probably didn't know either. Tony smiled and walked away, holding a briefcase.

"Fucking hell Stark." Rhodey said, mumbling more curses. "I need to call Clint. I don't know a lot of sign language." I grumbled, getting up and out of the room.

I dialed in Clint's number and waited as the ringing sound went off, the sound I really grew to hate.

"Hello?" A voice rang from the other side, but it wasn't Clint's. Lila of course, cute kid.

"Hi Lila, it's Aunty Nat. Can you get your daddy for me? I have to talk to him." I said, looking back to the kitchen where everyone else was besides Wanda and Alex.

There was some silence but some muffled talking in the background as I patiently waited. I heard the phone pickup something and went back to focusing.

"Hey Nat, what's wrong?" I heard Clint's voice, and sighed in relief. "Hey Clint, do you know sign language?" I said, hoping he did.

"Some, why what's up? Do I need to come down?" Clint said with a huff, getting hit by something. "Yeah, Alex is, well deaf and Stark broke their hearing aides."

"Jesus Christmas, alright I'll be there in ten, make sure nobody goes up there when a deaf person is angry." Clint said, and hung up.

"Shit." I looked up and went into the kitchen. Steve looked at me with a confused expression. "Fossil and Bird boy, we need to get Wanda away from Alex."

"Why?" Sam said, and Steve nodded in agreement. "Wanda not understanding what Alex is trying to tell her is gonna make them more frustrated then they already are."

"Nat's right let's go." Steve said, getting up and running down the halls with Sam and I. We took a hard right and opened the door to the emergency stairs.

It seemed like forever until I slammed open the doors. I slowed down and went to Alex's door, which was a crack open. Wanda was sitting on the floor and Alex was on their full sized bed, saying something in english or gibberish or something incoherent.

"Wanda, can you come here for a second?" I said, grabbing her attention. She furrowed her brows and came over with a confused expression.

"What?" Wanda said, probably oblivious to the situation. "Alex can't hear anything, Stark smashed their hearing aides. Clint is coming, he knows some sign language." Wanda cocked her head to the side in further confusion.

"Alright.. how have they been responding to me then?" All of us looked dumbfounded. Maybe their lip reading game has gotten better?

"Lip reading. Leave us, Nat and Maximoff stay. Steve and Sam your free to go." Clint said, walking in and past us, closing the door behind just Wanda and I.

Alex's eyes widened and ran to Clint, hugging him. Cute, never knew Alex actually liked Clint.  "Ask Alex what was in the briefcases." I looked to Clint and he nodded.

What were in the briefcases that Tony had? Clint signed to Alex, who went crazy with their hands. I put my hand on theirs, and Alex looked up.

Slow I signed, a bit confused, and they nodded. Clint seemed to understand what Alex was explaining. Sign language was a language I never really was able to learn while in.. yeah.

It wasn't really a requirement. Russian, French, Hindu, Spanish, and a lot of other languages were required or you'd be killed, but sign language wasn't.

I see why Alex was an asset now.

"Right, so Stark took their suits to "upgrade" them. Alex has a leftover suit but it isn't high-tech. It's really old, hand made." Clint said, and Alex went to their closet and rummaged for quite a bit, then pulled our a dust ridden box.

"What is that?" I said, and Clint signed it back to Alex. "It's the suit." Clint said as Alex signed back, opening the box and swatting at some dust.

Alex pulled it out, holding it out on display. I almost cringed looking at it. It wasn't as good as the other ones, like at all.

"Ask them if it even fits." I said, and Alex nodded. "Turn around." Clint said, and we heard some undressing. There was a firm snap and we both turned to see Alex.

"That's, very revealing to your muscles. Skin tight." I said, and Clint forwarded it to Alex. We received a shrug and the mask came on. Clear lenses for them but for us it bounced off the surface and we were looking at ourselves.

"I mean, it'll do for now.." I sighed, and Clint returned it to Alex who nodded. Cockily, Alex flexed, and all the sudden a seam ripped.

"Okay, no more. Off, wear these." I threw them some sweats and a sweatshirt, and Clint and I walked out.

"Why did Stark mash the aides?" Clint said as we walked down the hall. "I don't know, should we leave Alex with Witchy over there?" I said, looking back.

"They'll be fine, no witch ever harmed anyone." Clint chuckled, but I had this never ending feeling something was gonna happen.

Whatever it was, it was concerning.

A/n : I saw NWH when it came out, didn't post this chapter bc of it LOL.

I really wanna use SpiderMan Trilogy (Tom Holland) Which obviously includes Far From Home, Homecoming, and hopefully No Way Home.

Risky business.

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