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"Now watch, Alex be my dummy for a second." Nat said as she demonstrated her famous takedown on an actual dummy.

"Now watch, it's all one fluid motion when you do it without stops." Nat said, and put her fists up and motioned "come here." I took a swing and she caught it, throwing her thighs around my neck and rolled me onto my back. Nat crossed her feet and started to choke me out, putting my arm in an uncomfortable spot.

I tapped her thigh twice, as some type of submission. Nat stood up and I rolled up, now facing the group of sweaty ass agents.

"Alright, Maximoff front and center. Get in the ring." Nat said, and I crawled into the ring.

"Agent Romanoff, I need you for a second." I turned my head to the doors and saw Maria Hill. Nat was already walking off, leaving me with Wanda.

"Alright Maximoff, no power bullshit." I said, and Wanda got into the ring. I put my fists up and she charged at me, attempting the move, but I lifted her by the backs of her thighs and slammed her onto the mat.

"Don't go easy, Maximoff. I can tell, not trying." I huffed, helping her up.

"Like this." I said, grabbing her arm and throwing my thighs over her head and locking them in. I threw her down and choked her with just my thighs, and she tapped out.

"Got it?"

"Yeah whatever."

"Take it seriously, powers can't always work." I huffed in annoyance, earning an eye roll from Maximoff.

"Go." I said, bouncing on my toes. Wanda, again, did the same thing. I grabbed her and rolled her off my back, slamming her to the ground and choked her with my hand. She tapped out and gasped for air.

"Try hard." I said, folding my arms. Wanda huffed in annoyance, now towering over me.

"Start." I advanced towards Wanda. I sent a punch in her direction, and she grabbed my arm and swiped her thighs around my neck, slamming me down.

I quickly got out of her choke hold though, holding my fists up again. I charged at Wanda, throwing my legs around her waist and threw her off balance.

I quickly swept her legs out from underneath her, and she fell to the ground. I quickly straddled her and pinned her down, but she threw me off.

We both stood up and put our fists up, going in circles. I pounced at Wanda, and she fell for it. I dove and her legs and picked her up, throwing her down.

Wanda pushed me off her and we both scrambled to get back up. I threw a punch at Wanda, clocking her in the jaw.

Wanda immediately returned the punch, clocking my mouth. I stumbled back and she took advantage of that and jumped onto me.

I tried deflecting her shots, but something was compelling me not to. I let her destroy me, punching my face over and over again.

I noticed how her eyes were flickering from red to green again, it scared me. I quickly countered her and stumbled, now facing the recruits.

"Oh my god!" One of the recruits yelled, and there were some gags.

"That's enough!" Nat yelled and I shook my head, turning around, but only to be meet by Wanda creating a red ball of energy.

"You took everything from me." Wanda said, and I took my shirt off, leaving me wide open for her to do her worst. I wanted to feel what she was feeling.

"Fight me." I said, putting my hands up. Wanda threw her blast of energy, but I quickly dodged it, landing in my signature Spider-Man pose.

Almost like Romanoff's.

"Everyone back up!" I heard Nat yell, and they back up fast. I shot a web at Wanda's hand, stopping her from forming energy.

I charged at her, kicking off the center of her chest and was met by a ball of energy thrown into my chest. I groaned and felt the full wrath of the force, dropping down to a kneel.

"Is that the best you got!" I yelled at Wanda, and her eyes went full on red. I smirked as she tilted her head, looking at my beat up face.

Wanda created an orb in both of her hands, and I couldn't help but feel scared. There was the feeling that she would kill me at any point.

"Come on!" I yelled, and she threw and orb at me, sending me backwards. One after another she threw, attempting to knock me off my feet but it never worked.

Wanda picked me up with her power and threw me into the side wall, knocking me out of the ring, and she threw me everywhere.

My body was aching in pain, but I didn't want her to have that satisfaction of me being in pain.

"That's enough!" Nat yelled, and everything stopped. I fell out from the wall and was caught by some recruits, helping me to my feet as I walked back into the ring with Natasha hot on my ass.

"What the hell is wrong with you Maximoff?" Nat yelled as we both glared at each other. She slipped in between us, making sure we didn't try to kill each other.

"It's Alex's fucking fault!" Wanda yelled, holding back obvious tears. Nat gave me a confused glance, and I returned it, just as confused as Natasha was in general.

"What is? What could Alex have possibly done to make you snap! Look at their fucking state Wanda!" Nat yelled, and Wanda's eyes flicked from green to red, back and forth.

"Alex killed Pietro! They're the fucking reason why he isn't alive today! My brother, my best friend, my family you got killed! Every time I look at you I see his face because you killed him! You won't fucking admit it but if it wasn't for Pietro's powers we'd all be dead right now and the Avengers wouldn't fucking exist anymore because of Ultron! Everyday I fucking wished it was you and not Pietro that had fucking died! I hate you Alex Parker I fucking hate you!" Wanda yelled, and a large blast of energy filled the room, sending me back.

As my body went in some direction, I blacked out. I didn't know where I was, or if I was alive at this point.

Lmao angry Wanda.

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