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"Two minutes. Stay close." Steve said as we walked around the destroyed lab. We made it to Helen Cho's lab after a few hours.

"Dr. Cho!" Steve said, kneeling down to her. Cho's shoulder was wounded by Ultron, most certainly.

"He's uploading himself into the body."


"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark."

"First we have to find it."

"Go." Helen said, and we ran out of the lab.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve said into the comms.

"We did." Clint confirmed.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him."

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you guys. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Steve jumps onto the roof of the truck as I quickly jump off and web myself onto the truck, landing perfectly.

"No, no, no, no, no. Leave me alone!" I heard Ultron yell from the inside, and as Steve was about to open the truck door, he blasts the truck doors wide open.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him, guys."

"Thanks, Barton." Ultron blasts Steve back onto another car as he tries to enter the truck, but with some maneuvering Steve manages to get back onto the truck's roof.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve tries to fight with Ultron, and I started trying to web Ultron up.

"Stop it!" Steve's shield gets caught in his chest, and he smacks it away and fires at Steve.

"I'm always picking up after you boys." Nat said over comms. Nat made a hard right throws Steve back his shield and he uses it to knock Ultron away from him.

Steve continues his battle with Ultron on top of the truck. "Come on!" Steve groans, getting tired. Ultron grabs the both of us and uses his thrusters to slam us through the windows of a train. I quickly got up and started to punch and web him around, only for him to break free and blast us both back.

"I'm going in. Cap and Spider, can you keep him occupied?"

"What do you think we've been doing?" Steve mumbles, and I get up.

"You just don't know when to quit." Ultron chuckles, and attempts to blast me back. I quickly dodge the blast and tackle the robot, slamming him through seats and webbing his face.

"No no NO!" He yells, and throws me through a pole and into the corner of the train. Ultron gets up and stalks over, when something flashes into Ultron, and the two twins show up. Wanda blocks Ultron from coming closer with her powers, bending metals in front of us.

"Please. Don't do this."

"What choice do we have?" The female says and Ultron flies off.

"I lost him! He's headed your way!" Steve yelled into coms as I got up. The girl attempted to help me up but I shrugged her off, holding onto a seat for support.

"Nat! Cap, you see Nat?" Clint yelled into comms.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!"

"Do you have eyes on Nat?"

"Go!" Steve turns to the white haired boy.

"Civilians in our path." The male speeds off and starts moving civilians.

"Can you stop this thing?" Steve said to the girl, but she didn't budge. I wasn't waiting all day to die. I quickly moved my way forward into the front of the train, and became a human shield. I webbed onto two different buildings and held on for dear life as we smashed through brick walls.

The train slowly came to a stop, and I let go of the two webs, the boy coming in and catching me. I leant against the side of the train and nodded as he went to the side with the female.

"I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." The boy nods out of breath to his twin sister.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Steve said harshly, looking around.

"The Cradle, did you get it?" The female said.

"Stark will take care of it." Steve sighed.

"No, he won't." The girl said, bewildered.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right."

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?"

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"

"Wanda and Pietro, are you two willing to help us defeat Ultron?" Steve said to the twins. Wanda was the females name, Pietro was the males name. Cool names, I must say.

"We don't want extinction of mankind, so yes." The boy said, holding out a hand to shake. Steve shook his hand, and I shook it lightly, studying his features.

Pietro had silver-white hair, some type of beard he was trying to grow, pale blue eyes like his sister's except Wanda's are green, and was around 6'0 tall. I felt short amongst the crowd, standing at 5'2.

"Another quinjet will be coming to pick us up shortly." Steve said to everyone, but mainly to me.

"You know, it's easier to breathe with your mask off." Steve said, and I shrugged. I reached into Cap's pocket, and grabbed a phone. It was unfortunately cracked just a little bit.

"Sorry about that." Steve said sadly, shrugging. Not like he really cared about the internet or his phone.

"I'm going to call Stark, kid. Watch those two." Steve said, walking away with his phone. Wanda was studying me, again. Pietro was as well, but not as thoroughly as Wanda.

"How did you stop the train" Pietro said, breaking the awkward silence. I shrugged, and shot a web out from my wrist.

"Cool, cool cool. That's why we slowly slowed down." Pietro said, flashing a smile.

"You can take that mask off." Wanda deadpanned, looking at the mask I was wearing. I shook my head, and pointed to nearby people who were taking pictures.


"Wanda just leave it, they can take it off when they feel comfortable." Pietro said, stopping Wanda. Wanda only huffed in annoyance, and went back to staring at me.

She kinda scares me.

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