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I sat on the couch watching college volleyball. I had an extra two years of High school since I needed it, plus I was too young to graduate obviously. I was still 15, school has us graduate when we're 18, unless we have a late birthday and such. Technically when SHIELD took me in I was technically in my last year of Middle School.

"Come on.." I mumbled. Nebraska was in the championship. I was really, really hoping they'd win.

"Yes!" I yelled, jumping off the couch. Nat only laughed at my antics. 26-27 Nebraska, one more point and they would've won. I sat back down, holding my hands together.

"Come onnn.."

"Don't yell too loud it's late." Nat poked my back. I turned around and glared at her, earning a laugh. I turned back to the screen just as Nebraska's libero digged the ball, perfectly to the setter, who gave it right to the outside.

"Yes!" I yelled, doing a dance as Nebraska won. Nat's phone started to buzz during my celebration. I looked over to her, seeing if she was celebrating as well.

"Nat? You alright?"

"We gotta go. Fury's been shot." Nat said, grabbing her jacket. I ran into my room and threw off my clothes, putting on a black t-shirt and some black cut up jeans.

Nat was already out the door. I saved me some time and jumped out the window, landing outside the car. We both got in and sped to the hospital, running a light or two.

We parked in front of the hospital and ran through the double doors, up the elevator, and to the observation room.

"Is he gonna make it?"

"I don't know." Steve mumbled.

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." Agent Hill came in, standing next to Nat and I.

"Ballistics?" Nat said, her voice just barely hearable.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable."

"Soviet-made." Nat said, looking to me. We knew what it was. It was happening again.

"Yeah." Maria said. Suddenly Fury's state deteriorated rapidly

"He's in V-tach."

"Crash cart coming in."

"Nurse, help me with the drape."

"BP is dropping!"

"Defibrillator!" Steve, Natasha, Hill, and I watched in shock as Fury was flatlining.

"I want you to charge him at one hundred." Some doctor said.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Nat mumbled, looking like she was about to break.

"Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury was given a shock with the defibrillator.


"No pulse."

"No pulse."

"Okay. 200, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury was given another shock.

"Give me epinephrine! Pulse?"


"Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me.." Nat mumbled. The four of us watch the doctors as they continue to try and revive Fury, but he's is still showing as flatlining. Steve turned away as they stopped. They were calling it.

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