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Threw weeks before Christmas

We were storming a base.



I came back to the Avengers, even though I technically never left, the team kind of retired my name because everyone thought I was dead, until Nat brought me back after beating the shit out of me.

Yeah, I won't lie. It was exhilarating being back, I missed the fighting of course. Nat recklessly drove the car through the snowy hedges, while Clint shot some arrows and I just held onto the side of the jeep, shooting webs at people and dragging them along, then releasing them of course.

Nat banked right hard, and we all jumped off the car, god I wish we got that on slow-mo. Tony, who flying up to the base in his Iron Man suit, hits a forcefield.

"Shit!" Tony yelled, and I heard the clank. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve yelled language? Really? We're all technically adults besides me.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." I heard Jarvis say as I webbed some soldiers to nearby trees, until Hulk came in and stomped on one.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor said, and I swung near Natasha, who knocks out some soldiers

"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys." Nat said as I swung low, planting my feet on one of the soldiers feet, making him go flying.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said as he shot some arrows as I swung from above.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"

"I know.."

"It just slipped out." Steve said. I managed to jump onto Tony's suit, and he screamed like a little girl.

"WHAT THE HELL KID! YOU SCARED ME!" He said as I rode on his back, we quickly banked into the forcefield and made it through this time.

"This the one you're from?" Tony said, and I tapped his head twice.

"Let's make em pay." Tony said as he went through a window. I dove through a different window and found a bookshelf.

Secret door I remember you, I thought and smirked. There was some chatter on the coms, about two enhanced.

"What the fuck." I mumbled. There were those whale aliens hung up from 2012, Stark relief bots, weapons, it was very weird. Walking through there was like going through an abandoned amusement park.

"Scepter.." I smirked, walking up to it when something or someone came up behind me and something went into my head. I whipped around a caught a glance at the person. Female, probably brunette, with an emo look.

There eyes seemed to fall onto mine until my vision blurred, and suddenly I was sitting in a chair.

"You'll tell us where SHIELD has gone." Baron Strucker said, holding a whip. I was back in the same room, same chair, same multiple guards including the Winter Soldier.


The whip found it's way into my body, leaving me with more open wounds.

"Give us a smile, we're giving you a home." Strucker smiled, then whipped me again. And again, and again.

I felt the view change and now I was standing outside of the library where my Uncle Ben had been shot.

"Just shoot him!"

"No!" I screamed, and tried to stop it, it didn't work and it went into Ben's body, and the men ran off.

"Please Ben.."

The view changed again to Flash shoving me into my locker, random people's lockers, almost hitting me with his ugly car.

The view quickly changed once more to HYDRA again, and me fighting the soldier.

"Come on, you're too weak!" Strucker yelled into my ear, and I was hit over the head with the Soldiers metal arm. I hit the ground and was sitting on my knees, hunched over with my hands on the ground.

"Get up before I kill you!"



Suddenly, I was back in the room as before. I looked around, trying to see the female who messed with me, if they did. I assume they did because nobody else was in the room.

I sighed, regaining my balance and grabbing the scepter, pulling it out of its chamber and holding onto it.

"Hey kid! Nice work." Tony said, walking over and putting a hand out, and I flinched.

"You okay?" Tony said, and I didn't say much. I didn't say anything at all to be fair. I handed the scepter and stumbled my way out of there and was met with the harsh snowy landscape and some bodies.

"Hey kid, Clint's hurt we gotta go." Nat said, grabbing my shoulders and quickly directing me to the jet. I shrugged her off and stumbled i to the jet, ripping off my mask and going into a corner to calm down.

"Alex's Corner." Read a small post-it note in the corner. In the corner, there was a phone and those apple earbuds you'd get from the box when you bought one.

I fumbled around with everything and shoved the earbuds into my ears, quickly shuffling around iTunes for a song. I heard the rest of the Avengers talking amongst themselves when I hears Bruce speaking to Steve.

"Is Alex alright?" I heard Bruce mumble.

"Leave them be, probably tired." Steve replied, and I started to drown into the music, lowering myself further into the corner and trying to forget everything I had just relived.

The hum of the quinjet for once was soothing. I looked out the window and watched the snow slowly fall. 2016 was, what four weeks or something away?

Christmas was way too close though, I wanted it closer.

Yes, I had a thing for Christmas.

Christmas was my birthday, true, but it was a time where people got together. I wanted to surprise May and come home for Christmas.

I had everything planned out, come home for Christmas, bring her to the tower to meet everyone, relax with May, watch a Christmas movie or two, and then give her a gift.

I mean not the greatest plan, but it was a plan.

Maybe she'll have another backpack for me this year.

Just maybe.

A/n : Sorry yall, I got a shitty case of common cold and I'm so drowsy from the shit they gave me LMAO.

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