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I sat in my room, hiding from everyone. I don't know what got into me, compelled me to destroy Alex. Why did I even snap like that? It wasn't Alex's fault that Pietro died.

I flipped through channels on the small TV Tony got for me. Well it was technically Alex's doing. Alex said everyone said deserved a TV in their room so we all wouldn't fight over the large TV in the living room area.

I still don't get it, why I snapped like that. Why did Alex let me do it is my question. Alex is capable of stopping me and I know that, so why didn't they? Endless possibilities of why they did what they did.

Maybe Alex really wanted a fight?

Or even they wanted to go head to head with me to prove they're stronger?

Alex probably wanted to get hurt.

Maybe they wanted to feel my full rage?

Or they really wanted to feel my pain.

Whatever it was, it was stupid. Alex is stupid for doing it. Why, why oh why would this moron even try to fight me?

Did Natasha want us to fight knowing what was been going on. Oh hell know she couldn't have caught on to my act of hatred.

There was a subtle knock on the door, and I couldn't bare to use my powers. I felt drained of them, I never put so much power into it. Speaking of which how did Alex even handle all of it.

More that I think about it, what really are their powers? I mean not even Cap could handle my blasts. How did Alex, of all of the fucking people, why could they withstand it.

Another knock at the door shook me from my thoughts, which I'd go after later I guess.. Maybe..

I opened the door and didn't see anyone, until I looked a tad bit down. I didn't think I was that tall compared Alex. More so, they were looking down so I guess it wasn't my fault.

"Hi." Alex said, looking up at me. "Hi." I replied, noticing how Alex had a cast and some weird metal pole holding their arm into place, and something that strapped around their side to insert the pole in place.

"Oh uh, come in." I said sheepishly. God I sounded so stupid I hated it. I closed the door behind us as Alex went and leant against the door frame.

"You can sit with me on the bed if that's more comfortable." I sat on the edge of my bed, crisscrossed legs and all.

"Wouldn't want be a burden." Alex replied, and I did notice how badly I hurt them. Terribly split lip, their nose had one of those white slim bandages around it. I really was a shitty human being.

I started to study their features, though. Sharp jawline, straight button nose, dark brown eyes, and a really cute smile.

"Why would you be a burden?" I tilted my head, confused as they played around with a ring, making it roll off their fingers like it was a staircase.

"From the way you-" "Oh, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me.. I just.." I sighed in frustration. Why was Alex having an affect on me now.

"It's okay.. I could have stopped." Alex said, shifting uncomfortably. I rolled my eyes and patted the bad, motioning for them to sit.

"No, no it's fine I-" "Get your ass over here before I do it myself." I said, staring at them. Alex basically scrambled to get onto the bed, sitting next to me now.

I took up more of their features. Alex's hair was almost perfectly done, bit messed up though. Their yellow and black hair mix flowing well with their tanned skin from Disney.

They were wearing loose sweatpants and an extremely looks sweatshirt that just barely hung off their shoulder's. More so it didn't fit them.

Man, they did smell amazing though. Was that weird? They smelt of strawberries, which I didn't get. Oh I'm a total fucking creep now.

I noticed how Alex was also studying me, probably since this was the first time we were "alone alone" without cameras around or people able to barge in.

"Why are you staring at me?" I said, and they raised a brow. "I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust." Alex said, and I shot an angry look at them.

"Joking, joke." Alex said, shimming off the bed. I rolled my eyes and pulled them back onto the bed. "You're afraid of me. Why?"

"Afraid? I geeked out trying to understand your power. I mean tele.. telekeeek..."


"Yes, that word and your power manipulation. It's frickin' cool. Like I would kill to have those powers- Wait no I wouldn't kill.. I mean-" I erupted with laughter. I didn't realize how weird and nerdy Alex was. And shy. Very weird though.

"Why are you so nervous?" I laughed, looking at the bundle of nervousness that was Alex. I didn't know what it was but it was familiar.

"Well.. it burns a uh shit ton of calories..!" Alex said. I squinted, piercing into their eyes. "And who the hell said that?"

"Uhm.. me. Just now.." I shook my head and heard a subtle knock on the door. I noticed Alex trying to get up. Hell no.

"Hey hey no. You're injured. Let me get it idiot." I said, getting up and pressing my hand into the center of Alex's chest, pushing them back down lightly.

Alex shook there head and attempted to get back up. I tilted my head to the side, and they immediately sat back down.

I walked up to the door and opened it a crack, only to be met by Natasha. "Hey, have you seen Alex? They have a meeting in the big room." The big room would definitely be full of the top agents and probably recruits, as it was a huge space.

"Uh.." I turned my head and saw Alex shaking their head, and I sighed. "No. I haven't seen them. They stopped by earlier to apologize for taking it too far, but it really was my fault.

"Alright. That was sweet of Alex. Good kid. Cute kid in fact." Nat chuckled, and walked to the elevator. I closes the door and gave Alex a look.

"Were you here to hide?" I said angrily. Thought Alex actually wanted to talk. "No no no.. I didn't even know I had a meeting today." Alex sighed, standing up now.

"Hey woah, let me help you look the least bit presentable." I said, opening the door and basically dragging them to their room.

We closed the door and I threw open the closet doors. I grabbed a black button up and black jeans, along with a belt.

"I can't put on shirts if you didn't know." Alex grumbled, taking off the metal holder and taking off their own shirt along with the strap that was on their side. It had a small hole where the pole fitted perfectly into place.

Alex was struggling, hard. I wanted to laugh but it would've been rather rude considering their situation.

"Do you want help?" I sighed, and Alex turned. "I kind of need it.. Sorry for being trouble." They grumbled. I rolled my eyes and pulled down their shirt, slowly getting their arm through the sleeve.

"You're fine." I gave a half smile, but it was genuine. I really started to notice their features. They were built, I'll say. Broad shoulders, abs.. Wait why am I even looking at the dumbass.

I shook my head and buttoned up their shirt, and turned around as I heard them taking their pants off. I heard the click of the belt and turned around.

"Jesus your hair is a mess." I sighed, fixing it around with my hands for a second. I grabbed the metal bar, attaching it to their side pack again and to their arm so it stayed in place.

"Now don't be late." I smiled, patting Alex's back. They let out a smile, but I couldn't tell if they were genuine or not. "Thanks!" Alex said with a very cheery smile and voice, walking out of their room and to the elevator.

This wasn't fair anymore.

I lost my grip.

Damn it.

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