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I got out of Natasha's car, stretching my limbs. Clint had some ugly shades on that did nothing for his grandpa face.

Loki had handcuffs on that were power dampening. He held onto some cylinder that contained the tesseract.

"I will be back, my friends. In due time, but Loki must face Asgardian Justice. I apologize for.. his actions against your world." Thor said, holding onto Loki.

"Farewell, mortals." Thor said, and all the sudden a huge beam came down, and he was gone. The only thing left was some burn marks.

"So, Parker. You still heading back to school?" Nat said as we walked back to her car, away from everyone else.

"I want my four years." I shrugged, opening the car door and sitting in shotgun.

"Of highschool?"

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes, only to be whacked upside the head.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Parker, or I'll call the principal." She mocked, earning a small smile.

"To May's apartment?"

"If you have the time."

"Oh no, I can drive you home. Least I can do since I almost broke your hearing aide." Nat said, no longer looking at me and driving to my apartment.

"Yeah well trust me, don't scream in me ear." I said, leaning back, but only to stop since my back hadn't healed since the four hours of break we had.

"Here you are. I'll see you on Monday, 9 am sharp Parker."

"What?" I gawked, getting out of the car.

"You're gonna be a SHIELD agent kid. You'll get payed no worries. You can quit your Movie Theater job."

"I'll keep my job. Cya Nat." Nat smiled and drove off. I quickly walked into the apartment, walked up the stairs, and knocked on May's door.

"Hey Alex! How was camping?"

"Fun." I said, entering and going straight to my room. I noticed the new backpack and smirked, throwing it off the bed and flopping onto the bed, passing out.

12:41 am

I woke up to the sound of a car going off, and multiple people yelling. The city never sleeps, even after disaster. I tugged the old back suit on and crawled out the window, seeing the burglars running from the scene.

I shot a web at one guys foot, dragging him back to a wall, webbing him up. The rest came at me, four of them at least. My sense went off and everything slowed, I ducked under a crowbar that went for my head. I grabbed the crowbar and whacked the guys legs out from him. I webbed him up as well.

My sense were flying off the walls. I dodged and weaved more then I wanted to. I webbed up a man to a lamp post, until I felt a sharp pain in my collarbone. I felt the front of where it was, and there was blood seeping through. One way bullet, thank god.

My senses went off as a shotgun butt when flying at my legs. I flipped over it, and landed on the guys shoulders. I forced him down and rolled as we hit the ground, knocking him out. I webbed him up.

Once more, my senses went crazy like never before. Everything went in slow motion, again. Multiple bullets came flying at full speed to my face, torso, everywhere.

I bent down low, the bullet just barely nicking my nose. I flipped over the last one, and webbed the last person up by a nearby wall. A black car sped forward, speeding at a fast rate.

"Jesuss.." I groaned. What did I expect from the city. Shooting a web up to the side of a building, I quickly caught up to the car, deflating the tire, throwing the guy out of the car and webbed him up to a light post.

I quickly jumped in front of the car, despite the pain, I stopped the car, moving the car to a parking spot.

I quickly made my to my apartment again, scaling the walls until I got into my room.

"Holy sh-!" My mouth was quickly covered. It was Nat. She uncovered my mouth and looked at me funny.


"Why you here!"

"I was going to the coffee shop downtown when I saw you fighting off those guys, not to mention you stopping a car going down hill at 60 mph with a few tons of weight. Nice one, but your shoulder. Nice collarbone shot, pretty gnarly. You also got a Rudolph nose ." Nat said while snickering, grabbing out a medical kit she obviously brought in.

"Sit, now."

"Fine mom."

"Shut up Parker, I'm saving your life here."

"I haven't spoken more then, what.. ten words the entire four days?" I shot back. I barely said jack shit those few days we were tracking Loki and shit.

"Bite onto this." She shoved a rag into my mouth.

"Take off your shirt." I groaned and took off the spider-man outfit and quickly throwing on just pajama pants. Grabbing a stick, I opened the trap door and hung the suit back up, and closed it.

"You're bleeding everywhere Spider-Man hurry up." Nat said, cleaning the bloody mess I made.

"When do you shut up."

"Never." Nat said, shoving the rag into my mouth and forcing me down onto my twin bed. I was on a towel, or I would've bled everywhere on my brand new sheets. Without warning, she poured something onto the wound and I screamed into it.

"Oh quit being a baby."


"Yeah that's what I thought." Nat said as she wiped it off, doing the first bit of my shoulder. She then had me lay face down, and poured more onto where the bullet entered from, the back.

"Jesus christ Alex your back looks like shit."Nat said, wrapping the rest of my arm and shoulder up.

"I'll patch it up so it doesn't get infected." Nat said, wiping the cuts and gashes down, then applying huge bandages onto them.

"They're all waterproof besides your arm. Put that in a plastic bag." Nat said, handing me a Lucky Charms shirt.

"Aw do you need help with that too?" Nat said in a baby voice. I was struggling to put it on since she put that bullshit on me. Nat came over and put my head through the head hole, and my arm carefully into the arm hole. I did my last arm on my own, flopping back onto the bed.

"Rest, Parker. No more flying-monkey until I say so."


"No." Nat said, with a slight smirk.

"I'll see you soon, Parker." Romanoff said with a smile, turning off my lights and putting my small record player on.

Now playing : Put Your Head on my Shoulder

It was a vintage record. May said I could play it to help with my insomnia, which was great. It was a 1959 record, and it was slowly showing it's age.

I laid there, thinking about Nat. Why did she care so much? I know I'm basically a minor per-say, but I can hold my own. Maybe it's because she knows a lot about me and my issues because she pretended to be a speech therapist.

I'm not sure, but I liked it. Nat was some what of a protective mama bear, to put it that way. I hope it stays like that to be honest.

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