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I stirred to the sound of fire crackling. All my surroundings hit me at once at full force, there was rubble covering my whole body, trapping me in.


"Hey.. Hey is anybody there!" I sobbed out, trying to move. The rubble shifted some, but nothing happened.

"Anyone.. help please!" I sobbed, trying to see if the others were awake. I darted my eyes around the ash filled room we were in.

I noticed my mask was gone, somewhere I didn't know where. Lost in the rubble. I turned my head slightly and saw them.

There was no rubble on them, just the door. I let out a pained sigh of relief. I had to get out, but I couldn't feel my legs and my back burned.

"Hey! Wanda! Cap! Nat!" I sobbed, shuffling the slightest bit. No response. Tears of pain sprang into my eyes, clouding my vision.

I looked down and saw a puddle where my mask was, allowing me to see half if my face and half of the mask.

"Honestly, Parker what were you thinking? You know the rules about this. One slip up and it's over."

"I expect better from you. If you want to be an Avenger you have to take responsibility and not decide when you want to become Spiderman out in public!"

"Tony, you don't decide! I was the first recruited Avenger besides Romanoff and Barton! You don't have privilege to take my suits away."

"Yeah well you're a kid so maybe I should! You're young and dumb! If you're gonna play stupid then maybe you don't deserve the suit!"

I looked up and took a deep breath, my chest stinging as I did. "Come on Alex.. Come on Spider-Man come on Spider-Man!" I grunted out, using what I had left to push myself up.

"COME ON!" I sobbed out, the rubble moving as I pushed myself up. More rubble came down nearby as I pushed the rubble off myself.

"COME ON SPIDER-MAN!" I screamed, standing up. My hands went onto the concrete and pushed it off, throwing it off myself.

My knees were weak as I collapsed to the ground, tapping my ear. "Hello! Tony please it's Alex! Help.. We need help!" I said, but there was static on the other side.

I grabbed the mask and shoved it onto my face. Pain shot through my back as I made my way to the three under the door. I lifted the door up and threw it aside, looking at the three.

I zoned in, and heard the three faint heartbeats of Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and Steven Rogers, along with my own.

"Hey, hey hey it's me it's Alex can you please wake up?" I said,  brushing Nat's hair out of her face. Nothing.

"Steve? Steve can you please?" I said, shaking him, but he didn't budge. Not even a flutter of an eye.

"Wanda? Wanda don't leave me here I can't do this alone." I sobbed, shaking her face gently and giving it some gentle pats.

I huffed and stood up, feeling the same burning sensation everywhere. "Come on.." I said, attempting to shoot a web at them. A small web came out that covered them all, making my wrist burn.

"Okay.." I said, grabbing the web and lifting them up. "Come on!" I yelled, walking stiffly. Their whole weight combined hurt my back even more.

Avengers Compound

"Where the hell are they.." Tony mumbled, pacing back and forth. It had been four hours since the distress signal went off, and it kept him on edge.

"Calm down, Tones. They'll be back soon." Rhodey said, patting his back. There was a rush of voices that filled the room, and running.

"Hey! Hey what's going on!" Sam yelled, grabbing one of the agents running. "Speak!" He said harshly.

"Spider-Man just came in with three unidentified people." The agent said, scurrying off and going back to the crowd.

A gurney rushed by, followed by one more. The last one had a person kneeling on them, doing CPR. "I got a collapsed lung, I need a breathing tube!" The man yelled, pumping on the persons chest.

The three men watched as a tube went down the person's throat, and there was a person pumping air into the tube.

"Hey! Hey who is that you have there!" Tony yelled, and just as he did Nat came rushing past frantically.

"Romanoff! Nastaha hey! What the hell happened!" Tony yelled, catching Natasha's arm as she held a tissue to a cut on her forehead. There were blood streaks on her face, and fust covering some parts of her face.

"A building collapsed and they pulled us out but we were all knocked out because we were.. we were lead there.." Nat said in between shaky breaths. "Who the hell is they!" Rhodey yelled.

"Alex!" Natasha yelled back, removing herself from Tony's grip and running to the gurney where Alex was. Tony's jaw went slack, along with Sam and Rhodes.

"Oh my god..." Sam mumbled as Tony grabbed onto a chair for support. Steve and Wanda appeared, looking a bit battered. Four medics ran in, looking at them.

"We're fine go away!" Wanda said, and the four medics backed away and scurried off to god knows where.

"What the hell happened? Why were we on gurney's?" Steve said, "And why am I covered in bruises and dust?" Wanda said.

"You were both lead to a room and knocked out along with Romanoff.. Alex came in and saved you guys but the building collapsed on them while you guys were covered.." Tony mumbled. "Alex brought you back here.."

"Oh my god." Wanda gasped, a hand coming over her mouth as silent tears began to fall from her eyes.

"I should've listened to you Wanda.." Steve said guiltily, sitting on a chair now with his head in his hands.

"Where's Natasha?" Wanda said with a shaky breath, looking at Tony with a pained face. "Went with the medics with Alex. It's not looking good at all.." Rhodes said, leaning on the table.

"This.. this really just got serious, didn't it.?" Clint said as he walked in, holding bags of Chinese food in his hands.


I feel like Rikki Tikki Tavi, I think the copper saw me.

I guess since this chapter didn't really get a lot of action, that I'd give it that now :D

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