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I was face to face with my biggest fear again.


Natasha and I were like that, me on the ground holding my gun steady, pointed at her chest while she did the same but the gun was near my head. Even the halls were cleared by the time silence was broken.

"I thought you died.." Natasha said, sighing and lowering her gun down, making me lower mine.

"Steve didn't tell you, classical old fart syndrome." Nat helped me up and just stared at me. I ripped my arm away from her, stumbling back some.

"Look I can't go back to SHIELD..."

"SHIELD's gone. It's just the Avengers now."

"Where did you go?

"You mean forced?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Steve really didn't tell you?"

"What the hell do you mean by that Parker." Nat said. Parker. Hadn't heard that in a while.

"Come on.. let's just go back to my apartment." I sighed, walking out. Nat followed me as I got into her car.

"Wait how the hell did you know where my car is?"

"I'm basically a spy now, Natasha. I basically and purposely avoided everyone. Trained myself.. and was trained by hydra." I mumbled the Hydra part. Nat seemed to whip her head around, staring into my soul.

"You WHAT."

"Like I said I'll explain at my apartment." I said, putting Nat's keys into her car and speeding off.

"How the hell did you get my keys."

"Pick pocketed you while you held onto my arm."

"You smug son of a bitch." Nat smirked. We finally made it to my apartment, and I quickly grabbed Nat and scaled up the wall. Boy did she scream.


"Shut up." I said, closing the window.

"Sit." I said, and Nat sat across from my chair. I grabbed two whiskeys and handed her one. I sat down and before I could do anything, I saw Natasha reaching for my bottle. I swatted her hand away faster than a fly moved to a light bulb.

"You're underaged."

"Yeah, my ID says otherwise." I said, biting off the cap and taking a swig. Nat only sighed and opened it, taking a sip as well.

"So, tell me about why you've been avoiding me and "SHIELD" and how you got into HYDRA." Nat said, leaning back.

"After Steve didn't grab me and bring me with you down the hole? I got trapped, you know I never would've thought I would survive that. Burns all over my, like the one on my cheek and arms." I said, taking off my leather jacket and revealing the scars and burns I had.

"Rumlow found me. They re-burned and re-cut everything. Infection after infection. Did they inject me with stuff? Not that I know of. Did I see some crazy shit? Yeah. That soldier trained me to fight and how to predict other people's moves, read body language, and better yet, to be some crazy spy. Yeah, I was a spy for Hydra. Psh 10 months now?"

"What the hell did they do to you." Nat mumbled, looking at me. My hair was cut short, making me look like a 18 year old boy. Blonde top with sides shade, leaving the rest of my hair black.

"Well, they made me do stuff. I'm still technically in, no worries, nothing here id bugged. Killed the electricity in this whole joint and had a backup generator just for this one apartment room."

"Why can't you get out?"

"There's a chip in me, not to mention my fashion accessory." I said, putting my leg on the table and raising my pant leg, revealing the huge monitor on my ankle.

"Jesus christ Alex.."

"Yeah, jesus christ."

"Look I can get you out of here. I unfortunately stay at Stark Industries but everyone misses you. Even though you haven't said shit to them, they likes your company and silence."

"Go for it, try and take it off." I said, folding my arms. Nat got up and walked back into the room we entered from, and came back with a crowbar.

"Hey now, woah woah woah let's talk about this.." I said as Nat grabbed my leg.

"HEY LETS TALK LETS TALK-" My accessory came off, clanking to the ground.

"You really tried to claw it off?" Nat said as she looked at all the marks around where the ankle monitor was, gingerly touching them.

"I needed it off Nat. I can't live like that, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. Be thankful it wasn't the red room." Nat said, pulling my pant leg back down.

"Where's the chip." Nat said, and I held up my wrist. Oh yeah, I tried to pry it out any chance I got. The scars, some of them, were still fresh. Nat grabbed my head and slammed it down, I quickly grabbed her and threw her into the cabinet.

"Easy Alex.." Nat said, grabbing me by her thighs and throwing me down. I swiftly kicked her legs our from underneath her and quickly rolled over and stood up, brushing some glass off my back.

"Come on Parker, you rusty?" Nat smirked. Nat took a swing and I ducked, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her onto the table, causing it to break. I quickly limped over and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the fridge and took a sip. Nat only got up and took a sip of hers, somehow it survived.

Nat threw her bottle at me, causing me to dodge it and drop low. Bad move. Nat grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the overhead cabinets, causing most of my glasses to break. Nat quickly wrapped her hands around my neck, and I started wheezing.

"Nat.." I gasped, coughing as little to no air went into my throat.

"Nat.." Natasha only seemed to press harder onto my neck. Was I really gonna die by my mother figure.

"Natasha please..." I wheezed, and she let go. I hacked and coughed, spitting out some blood.

"Where is the tracker really Alex." Nat said, and I grabbed a knife and stabbed my wrist.

Right through the bone.

Natasha's face was priceless.

I left the knife in my wrist and looked at the tip of it, which to Natasha's surprise, was the chip.



Tracking me.

Reality and adrenaline seemed to hit back at me as everything wore off, and I only fell. I was so, so very weak. I quickly shoved my fingers into my mouth and ripped out the fake tooth that had cyanide poisoning and threw it aside.

"Holy shit." Nat said, pale. She ran around the house until she found my ancient first aide kit, and pulled out necessities.

"No no no what the hell did you do.." Nat mumbled, ripping the knife right out. I ain't never scream as loud as I did. Nat shoved a rag into my mouth as she stitched both sides and wrapped it up, grabbing me and carrying me out the door, down the stairs, and into her car.

Yeah, I blacked out.

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