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Nobody's POV

"It's over. Fury has released everything to the public." List said, looking at Strucker.

"Everything he knows about." He said cockily, rounding the corner.

"Herr Strucker, if they get word of our work here, if they find out we serve HYDRA..."

"HYDRA, SHIELD, two sides of a coin that's no longer currency." They walk over to the corner of the lab where Loki's scepter is being kept.

"What we have is worth more than any of them ever knew. We've only scratched the surface and already..." They start walking out of the lab.

"There are other facilities doing HYDRA's good work around the world. We'll feed them to Captain America and his colorful friends. Keep them off our scent."

"What about the volunteers?"

"The dead will be buried so deep their own ghosts won't be able to find them."

"And the survivors?"

"The twins."

Pietro and Wanda Maximoff were being kept in glass cells each exhibiting their powers, Pietro having superhuman speed and Wanda having telekinetic powers.

"Sooner or later they will meet the twins. It's not a world of spies anymore, not even a world of heroes. This is the age of miracles, doctor. There's nothing more horrifying than a miracle."

"And what about the spider?" List says, and Strucker leads them into a room where Alex Parker is kept.

"They will in time be one of our greatest weapons, now is not the time though.

One month later

Natasha visited the small grave that was for Alex. It was a small gesture to their death, but it was plain and simple.

Alex Parker
Gone for now

I had to tell their Aunt May. She just broke down. I felt bad, terrible even. I didn't say if they truly were dead. I still believe they're alive.  I just have this gut feeling that they're still alive, still out there with HYDRA.

"So. Still visiting everyday, huh?" A voice said as I sat in front of the grave, tracing my fingers into the dirt.


"This wouldn't have happened if I would've grabbed them." Steve mumbled, sitting next to me.

"It's both of our faults. I should've been watching more closely. They were my little ADHD monster."

"They spoke a lot to you?"

"More than you'll ever know." Natasha chuckled, wiping a way a tear that escaped.

"When's their birthday?"

"Christmas day."

"Man." Steve said, sighing.

"Who woulda thought." Steve said.

"Yeah, who woulda thought." Natasha mumbled.

Three months later

Natasha sat at Alex's grave, placing a bear on it. It was Mid October now, nearing November. Closer and closer it seemed to get to December.

"So, you knew Alex huh?" A voice said, startling Natasha.

"Who are you?"

"MJ, Parker's friend."


"You know, Alex wasn't the greatest speaker. They really were the greatest motivator though."

"No kidding." Natasha said with a sad smile.

"Does their Aunt May know?"

"No.. we told them Alex is missing, hiding undercover. We send some false messages here and there but it works out."

"Yeah, I feel bad, y'know? They could've gone to their dream college."

"Nebraska University."

"How'd you know?" MJ said, looking over.

"Before everything went to hell, we watched Nebraska's championship match. Alex always dreamed of going to their games. I even bought them front row tickets just so they could have some humanity."

"Did you go to it?"

"No, it's uh scheduled for today."

"Cool, cool."

"I gotta get going, it was good to see you again, MJ."

"Same to you, Ms Rushman."

"No no, Natasha, please." Nat said with a sad smile. They both nodded and parted ways. Natasha got into her car and got to the airport, hopping into a private jet and making her way to Nebraska.

"Why am I doing this.." Natasha mumbled, rubbing her hands to her face as she was now in front of the gym. Nat sighed and opened the door, going straight to the concessions to grab some water

"Is that the Black Widow?" Natasha heard some murmurs, but she was now Natalie Rushman, a school teacher in Nevada.

"Excuse me, pardon me." Someone said.


Natasha whipped their head around and caught a glimpse of their face. Natasha saw the scar on their right cheek and instantly dropped their wallet.

"My apologies, here's a dollar, thank you so much!" Natasha said, speeding back into the gym. No no, Alex was dead or absolutely gone, there was no way that could be them! Many people could have scars on their face.

But that voice.

Low, calm, and so soothing. Natasha could pinpoint anyone's voice.

That person's voice sounded exactly like Alex Parker's.

No no, silly me, Natasha thought. Her mind was playing tricks on her. Yes, she was still grieving, but it wasn't to hallucinations.

Natasha shook her head and walked out into the stands, watching as the teams warmed up. God, Alex was right. The sport was so very mesmerizing. Natasha thought to herself as flying volleyballs were in the air. Perfectly to the setter who would set it to the hitter, which then would slam the ball down faster than anything I'd seen.

Natasha shook herself from her thoughts and made her way to her seat. The stands were flooded with students, teachers, alumni, parents, people who came from anywhere to watch them play Volleyball.

It was beautiful.

The game begun and I noticed myself actually enjoying it. The only real reason I watched it was because of Alex's happiness surrounding it and how excited they'd get over a point, or how angry they'd get if they'd lose a point of if the referee made a bull shit call.

Towards the third set, Nebraska was closing out with the win with 2 sets to 0, when I saw someone on the other side of the court. Right where I was standing but across from me.

There was no way in hell it wasn't Alex Parker. They seemed as pale as I was, dropping their lollipop to the ground. The second the game ended, they sprinted. I hopped the bleacher and started running, hot on their ass.

I saw their arm, and I grabbed it, and they tripped and fell, causing me to let go. I pulled out my gun, and they did the same, now laying on their back, staring back at me.

Their face as scars that were some-what fresh and burn marks on their cheek.

It was none other than who I assumed it was from the start.

Alex Parker.

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