Chapter 24

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              Chapter 24

Ananya's pov :

"Ash"--  he cutted my word and just shouted like as if i have done something wrong to him.He is looking a devil when he is angry.His face became so pale and rough and i havent faced any men shouting with anger. I really don't know how to tell him that "I'm not in love with varun" 

Its enough ananya,Please stop your drama to me.I came to know everything and you don't even try to act again to me.

He gritted his teeth when he said and he havent stopped looking into my eye.Wait a min..What he just said now?Acting ? Me ? Again? Seriously,I don't know what i've done to him? He actually mistaking me,May  be he would have seen me wih varun and mistook that in a different way. OMG! I'm such an idiot ! I never thought it will make ashish to think like this.

No Ashish,What you have seen was not true.Believe me ! I'm crying with fear that ashish shouldn't leave me at this situvation.But he kept on betraing me with his words,

Believe you? He smirked .Yes,I believed you ananya and that's the greatest mistake i've done in my life. You know what,I was actually living in a dream and made myself to live with happiness,truthful friends and soo soo.But now i just gotup from that sleep and came to know even friends can betray me!

OMG! NO No Ashish please stop this,Don't even say friends can betray you! I'm not that kind of girl who hurt others.I don't know how to stop him.Every time i try to open my mouth,Neither he is not even ready to hear what i'm trying to say nor He is not gonna believe me.

No Ashi-- , I sobbed

Enough Ananya,I don't wanna hear anything from you.Just leave me alone and get out from my life.I'm just wishing now that i don't even see your face again.You know,How much i lo--- Sigh!

Please go away from here and don't come back.

 Is he mad? My eyes is filled with tears and pain.His words hurting my heart so badly and no one can heal those pain.He just poured so many words on to me.I'm just standing before him like a traitor. Yes,He is speaking like I cheated him in some way !

No ! I can't bear those words and what he said? "Go away from him?" Is he really saying that? I can't believe those words are just coming from his mouth. I sobbed .Then what he said," Don't wanna see my face again" ? Really? Ashish you dont wanna see me and this is how you are wishing for? I  sobbed. Then what? I should stay away from his life?? I sobbed again and again but he went just like that to his room. He didn't  even waited for my reply. But he cutted those last words,You know how much i lo--?? what is mean by that? Is he telling about "love"?

He just loved me like how i loved him? Is that true? Maybe ! And thats why he don't want say that infornt of me.He was in love with me but not now.He is hating me and i'm the reason for him to think like this.

And he is not even ready to see me how i'm standing before his hostel.Yes,Clouds are dark and he know very well that i'm afraid of dark and i can't return home alone.He haven't bothered me and my life.I just thought....uhmm I should not hurt varun.Is that a wrong? So what i came to his hostel to explain all about that at this time.But he never listened to me.

What else i can do ? I just moved form his place and went to my home.And i havent get refreshed myself.And thinking of those words,How he hurted me? How he hating me? "Go away from him" these words are just repeating in my mind and I Sobbed.

I didnt have my dinner and i just lied on my bed being paralysed.Tears are just running around my cheeks and thinking that "How can one person give so much of happiness in my life and at the same time that same person giving such a pain in my life"

Ashish's pov :

I m sorry ananya and i'm so sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you like that ! But..uhmm..I really don't know,I completely lost my mind! I'm in such an anger and completely frustated ! The scene which i saw you with varun,I really can't take that ! I really can't believe that he proposed you,And you accepted him with a hug. Its really giving me a nausea! I really wanna punch varun's face at that time but he is my very good friend and i can't do that to him.

No ! But how he can even try to betray me like that? He havent told once that he is in love.He lied to me! But..uhmm even i havent told that i'm in love with her! Who can easily tell like that? No Its not his mistake.But what about ananya? How can she even try to love him back? is she really in love with him? How she ? uhmm..I don't know what is happening around me? 

I;m just so confused.But i'm sure about what i've spoke to ananya.Yes,I shouldn't be so sorry to her.Why i should be sorry to her? What i've done wrong ? She just got her punishment for what she have done. But i can't expect that she have to  love me alone.She have all the right to love anyone.But i thought she also have the same feeling towards me.But thats totally wrong ! I m a stupid to think that she is in love with me but yes,She is not in love with me because she haven't told once to me.

I'm so stupid to believe everyone around me and now i got the best betrayal form everyone.Both varun and ananya cheated me . But i can't hate you ananya,You know ?How much i loved you? How much i dreamnt about you? I sobbed .What ? Am i just crying for a girl? No ! She is nothing to me now. She is such a coward ! cheat ! My heart weighs more than my body weight and i can't even bear that.

I just hate you ananya.Hate you ! But ..Do i really do this? I cant easily earse you from my life.But one day i'll do this.I can live without you.I sobbed again.Ring..Ring...I dont even wanna see my phone but what if its from my mom? So i picked,Its a call from Neha.

Neha ? Shall i attend?or ..uhmm..Yes, I just need  to relax myself or i'll go mad in this room.

Hi,Neha ! I just spoke with low voice.

Hey Ashish? Hows Farewell?

I don't wanna say anything.I dont even want to think about that hell party. I never thought this party will become a disastour in my life.Shit! What is gonna happen now? Nothing gonna change.

I wanna see you ! shall i come to your house? I just simply replied

uhh..Sure. Well,see you then.


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