Chapter 28

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                   CHAPTER 28[UNEDITED]

Ananya's pov :

My eyes can't believe what I just saw now ! Is that Ashish ? I mean Ashish came to the room where I am ? And he is the one speaking to me? Seriously, I can't really believe this! The same Ashish told me that, He is not ready to neither look at my face nor interested to speak with me. And he also told that he don't want me to interfere in his life. So why all of a sudden he came to me now and speaking to me ? Wait..I mean, What he just said now? "Fulfilling Mother-in-law duty huh?" What the heck meaning is that? Mother-in-law? Bullshit Ashish ! OMG, Seriously he got mad! He got some problem. I mean his words are not healthy and its just spoiling my good relationship with varun's mom I can able to notice his face How angry he is? And his eyes OMG! Its just poisoning me.

But I'm the one who should be angry by now. I never care for his anger and his bullshit, idiotic, meaningless talk. Why should I care about his anger? This anger towards me is meaningless and pointless. I really don't deserve this. And moreover he don't deserve by reply. Actually who is he ? The Ashish who I had spent my days with him is never him now. And this ashish who is standing before me is selfish, Arrogant, Stupid, Aggressive, Idiot and can easily hurt others. I just wanna shout the hell at him. But what it really gives me when I shout at the rock-hearted person? Its useless! I'm gonna avoid him at the most because he really don't wanna face me. And either do I Who I am to interfere in his life? And moreover he don't have patience to listen me now. So I just wanna keep silent. I sighed

But his eyes never moved an inch away from me. He is actually trying to hypnotise me. Whatever ! I don't wanna reply him back. So I moved forward to the front door to leave but he is exactly standing in front of the door and staring at me. How can I go now? Shall I ask him to move ? But he is actually waiting for my reply and is in anger too. Uh! Never bothered about his anger. So I went straight nearing him with so much of guts and I don't know where I got that one? But adjusted my body to move away from the door without touching him. But he is standing like a rock without moving an inch. How idiot he is ? OMG! So close to him and my head is only an inch away from his cheeks. Yes, He is tall and my head is actually facing his shoulder and I'm not even ready to look at his face. And I can able to feel his breathe.

When I got my way half to the door but he suddenly held my right hand and pulled towards him forcefully. I lost my balance and got merged on his chest and for a balance I placed my left hand on his shoulder. OMG! What the hell he is doing? But our eyes got locked for a beautiful moment but it lasted only for a second! When I tried to unlock his hand from mine he held my hand even more harder. Ouch! It really hurts me.

"Ashish.." I looked into his eyes with a quite confusing state.

"Don't you have such a manner to respond?" he gritted his teeth and pulled towards him when I tried to move away from him.

Very funny! he is telling about the manners huh? he don't have the manners to listen,What I've tried to explain him and he don't have the manner to "how to treat a women"?

"You don't deserve my response Mr.Gupta"

"Haha..Yes, truly!" He paused for a sec.."Actually varun deserves you ! Am I right Ms.Ananya? " he replied with a wicked smile. And he is fully transformed into a devil. No doubt !

"You Ha-" Someone's voice disturbed me to speak... "Ananya?" Oh God! I heard varun's voice searching for me. We both looked for a sec and I tried to remove my hand from him but he is not leaving me.

I pleaded him,"Ashish leave me" ..But he is not listening to me and he know very well that varun is approaching us. What happen if varun sees me like this?Oh Shit !

"What happened Ananya? Why are you nervous? Oh I See! Varun won't mistake us. He is a very good friend. And Moreover, there is nothing between us? Is it so? " He raised one of his eyebrow like a doubtful question.There is no answer to this question! Damn!

Oh God! Please save me from this devil.He is so rubbish! I'm just worried about varun now. What if varun sees me with ashish? He will get shock and that might again cause him to strain.Varun's voice is so close to us but he didn't see us still.

One more time I pleaded him,"Ashish please,Let me go" But when varun gets closer to the door, Ashish unlocked me and pushed me back forcefully. And I lost my balance again and fell on the floor before varun.

I can't believe that, He pushed me on force ! He hurt me? Actually he is the one who is hurting you always ananya.Please never bother about him."My conscience is very honest", I may add. Yeah! He is very good in that! But Varun picked me up slowly with such a caring and asked me,"Are you okay". I really don't know how to explain him about the things. And said that,"Yeah! I'm okay", I lied.

"How you fell on the floor ananya"? Varun questioned by looking me and ashish with a doubt on his face.

Immediately ashish responded , "She slipped by mistake and before I lift her up you fortunately came and lifted her. And Its okay, She is alright now".

I slightly nodded my head and have to accept his lie in front of varun. No choice. And I rolled my eyes and got nervous that Whether varun found out that I'm lying to him.

Varun said,"Its okay Ashish.I'll take care" And he wrapped my waist with his hands and made me to walk. OMG ! Why he is over reacting like this ?I'm actually okay.Why can't he understand that? That too in front of ashish? I never looked back to see ashish's face because I know he will be in such an anger by now. Oh God ! Please save me, I don't know how ashish will react to this?

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