Chapter 27

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                 CHAPTER 27 [UNEDITED]

Varun's pov :

"Ma, Please don't tell them and give my phone back to me. Anyway they are going to come in the evening for the party mom. So you go and arrange dinner for them." Oh Gosh ! But she didn't listen to me and called Ananya , Ashish and Neha to say that " Yesterday I fell down in my room and Doctor gave some medicines and told me to take rest" 

I just more worried about my love , my angel ,my ananya ! and bit of ashish too. But She is actually more worried about me now because Doctor advised me not to get tensed about any matter or should not strain my brain. So she some how found that I'm worrying about something and that made me to faint. So she called them to come and visit me so I'll feel better and also she wants to know about the problem.

But this time ashish answered my mom's call and said that "I'll be coming within a hour" The same for ananya and neha too. Oh God ! Ananya will be worried about me and moreover after proposing my love I haven't sent any love messages or not even called her . She would have worried for that but once she came here,I'll apologise her.

But she would have called me or messaged me but why she didn't do that ? Does she have any problem ? Is she really love me ? I doubt that . But No No I'm not the person who will expect call's or msg's from my love . Her simple hello is enough for me and the way she take care of me is more enough.

And I slept for about 12hours since I fell down. Do I really have any big issue? or my parents are hiding anthing from me ? I usually won't sleep like this or maybe the tablets made me to sleep for hours. Before they come I made myself to get ready.

Ashish's pov :

"What the hell happened to him? Don't know whether he is alright ? But varun's mom told me that he is worried about something? It may be "Me" Neha."

"No Ashish. Please for the God sake drive my scooty properly and please try to see the road and drive." She is requesting me for the sake of her scooty and that is very important to her than me ! Does She think that I'm blabbering ? uff !

"If you wanna talk with me just drive straight and talk. I'm listening to you. You don't have to turn every time and see me. You got it ? " she yelled at me.

"Yeah ! Okay fine."

So me and Neha rushed to see varun whether he is okay or again he got any problem on his head ? But seriously from morning I didn't wish to go his house anymore. But he is not well and apart from ego's and love , He is very important to me . But don't know why God making is me to see him at this situvation ?

 When I entered his room , I saw that girl ..Yeah, that girl ..I mean..Ananya. No The coward Ananya!

That will be very suitable for her and how dare she sit beside him and taking care like a very good wife . And they are creating a scene like "Made for each other " Hell ! What a disgusting scene. Why God ? You really wanna me to  see her with him like this ? Shit ! I really wanna break his face and ananya's face too. No..No. I don't wanna say her name too.

I don't know what to do ! Do I really want to enter now ? To break their love ? Is such an embrassing moment but Neha pushed me inside and greeted ananya and asked for his health now ? Varun said,"I'm okay now. I'm  quite worried about you Ashish" He replied

All looked at me when he said that expect ananya . She is hell ! yea, really why she wants to see me? Who I am  to her now ? I don't know what to answer but whatever I'm going to tell that will be a lie.

So I started " Uhmm...Sorry varun ..uh I slept when you called me. you know, I felt very tired and frustrated too. SO...Sorry I made you to worry and made you ill."

Neha quietly rolled her eyes and saw me in such an excitement that I even  know how to tell a lie !

 He told "No prob, come and have a seat" I just gave a fake smile and seated in a corner side of the chair so that I won't see her face. Damn ! He is alright now but why her mother is so worried like  he is serious. Shall I move from here ? He is now okay and moreover I just came to visit about his health. All were talking something but ananya's voice is very low and she answered whatever neha questioned her. I'm just listening to her voice. And I made neha to promise me that "She shouldn't ask anything about their love and also should not talk about my love to either ananya or varun" 

I hope she won't open her mouth to them and she promised on me. From childhood she will do whatever I asked for her and she never hesitated me at any situvation. So that's why I asked for her promise. So She won't do anything aganist me like "Ananya "

I don't know why I keep on saying her name and thinking of her constantly. Oh God ! I'm trying to forget her but you are making me to think of her again and again. Later, I began to talk with them but ananya kept silent. She is not even ready to face me. But I don't care about that.

Actually, I made myself to a decision that I should not make myself weak in before her or even varun. But varun doesn't know anything about this. But to ananya I'll never show that I'm very depressed or worrying about her. No ! Never .If she is not worying about me then why should I even care about her?  So I enjoyed myself with varun and neha as if I havent done anything before.

Like normal.Everything is normal now. Acting is the most difficult part, I may add! Meanwhile , we had dinner and seated in balcony to get some fresh air . This time I don't wanna hide from her so I deliberately seated beside her. But I can feel that she is uncomfortable . But why? She is anyway sitting beside her love..her partner. Yes, Ananya seated between me and varun. whatever !  

Suddenly varun's mom called "Ananya ! "  Varun said "Any problem ma ? " But she said "No, I just need ananya alone for a couple of mins" So she stood up from chair and excused herself.

But I'm not able to control myself or not able to concentrate on chatting with them. I'm just concentrating on ananya alone . I'm gonna be mad now ! Then after couple of secs I stood up from chair  and said "You guys carryon, I'll come now" But neha immediately  asked me "Where ? Ashish?

" uh..Uhmm...To restroom .Is that so important for you now ? May I leave  ? "

varun and neha giggled at me but I lied. I know my situvation is like a joker now. Running here and there. Then straightly went to see ananya .She is speaking with varun's mom. Varun's mom  is enquiring about varun's problem . Like Is he is in love? or is he have any problem ? 

But Ananya refused to say anything . She said " He is worried about ashish ma" Nothing . Trying to convince her . Varun's dad called his wife to attend the phone call for her. So  her mom gave something to her and told to keep in cupboard and  went to attend the call. 

I just hided when his mom went out of the room . I mean..I stalked! ..No, but not in a wrong way! I'm just so eager in ananya before than now. Then I entered the room where ananya was alone and she is doing the duty of what varun's mom told to do.

Something is just making me irritated ! Lots of disppointment and she is standing in his home and very lovable to his family. She didn't sense my presence . So I started ,

" Fullfilling mother-in-law duty huh ? " I quietly stated with such an anger .

She turned and saw me with her widened eyes. 

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