Chapter 4

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                                                              CHAPTER 4[UNEDITED]

Ashish's pov

"Don't ever cry in front of me and I can't go happily if you are crying  all day and I can't bear it baby" 

"please ..stop...please" 

"Dad can't you tell her ??" I told in frustration

Dad winked at me and by action I told him..."Go, console your beloved wife.."

I smiled to myself and this scene always happens in our home. I really love my family so much .They are everything to me.

Dad loved my mom so much and married her, so he knows each and everything of my mom's action. And they are just a magical couple and for me they are living "Romeo and Juliet"

Manisha..Manisha ..our son is now old enough to live alone. Don't think he is still a child and let him go and find his new life and this is the right time for him and he is just going to Jaipur not abroad.

She suddenly stopped weeping..and looked at me ..

"Ashish dear, don't forget to call me every night" and there she gives a beautiful smile.

"Phew! Thank you Mom.I love you and I Promise you that ,'ll call you every night'" I said

 Mom will do whatever his Romeo says, haha..she is just a lovely angel in earth and I'm so blessed to have her as my mom.

Dad asked me to come with him alone. May be some kind of secret he wants to share with me before I'm leaving and What will be that ? So I silently went with him.

 He said, "Be a Brave Boy and Face your problem on your own.learn your life my  son and don't forget to find your girl." He winked at me 

I just nodded with my head's down.Dad always wanted to find a girl like his wife because he knows that , I won't go easy relationship with girls and its not that I don't wanna make relationship...uhmm..

uhmm..Its a tough task for me .May be I won't give much importance to girls in my life.But expect my mother.

Sudden voice of a girl just distracted me from my thoughts.

oh! there she is...Neha! What are you doing here? I asked.

Neha is a pretty girl, short and always use to jump and talk .she is like an electric energy and I never seen her getting sad or alone at any time .she use to spend her time with lots of boys and girls .

she have so many friends but I'm her one and only close and best friend, she use to say me often.

Forr me? ..uhmm.. .yes! ..she is my only best-friend..

Because none of the girls  won't make friendship with me and if they do it will not be more than 3 months, I guess.

do you think I've got any problem? 

Yes! not like physco but some kind of  short temper ! Anger is like my friend and it use to be with me all time so I get used to it. May be this kind of  roughness in me made other girls to stay away from me 

But Neha use to live with my anger and she will never get hurt by that at anytime. Even I harshly spoke to her several times but she will talk with me in the next day as nothing happens and I even don't say sorry to her.

I don't know why ? I even asked her several times but she never told me that why she is not getting angry with me? It's not that she won't get angry but she do gets angry on other friends but not with me.

uhmm...probably she came to send of me now. I told her not to come and they are making me  to feel like I'm going far away from them. Sigh! Anyway next month Neha gonna come to Jaipur as his dad going to get Transfer.

"HeAshish, I came to say Good Bye to you but your face is telling me that ,you are not interested with my BYE ?" she said

"Uhhh..Neha don't overreact. Next month you are gonna see me anyway then why this Good bye..?" I asked

"haha...I'm gonna study in Girls school Ashish and I won't see you if you wish to see me also! Remember." she snapped

"okay.whats the big deal? don't ever say that you will be going to school on weekends also" I winked at her. Neha and me are of same age and she is just  living opposite to my house.

"Haha..Very Funny" she replied

Dad told me,"okay Ashish...It's time to Go and your bus is gonna arrive within 5 mins..So shall we leave?"

"yeah dad! I'm coming" I told and hugged my mom, said bye to her and I know how pain it will be for her because She loves me more than anything in this world and even I have the same feeling.

I gave  Hi-5 to Neha and came out from my home.

Dad and me arrived at the bus stand .And I got into the Jaipur bus.He smiled at me and said that give me a call when you arrived at your hostel.

"yeah Dad! Bye...see you.." I told by peeking out my head from the window

And then the new Journey of my life Begins from now on !

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