Chapter 38

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Ananaya's pov :

"I'll prepare that" I heard Varun's voice.

"Ya okay! But someone should take care of Ananya."

And that is Neha's voice.

Why they are here? Oh ! Am I in deep sleep? Or Is this my dream? It ached me when I tried to open my eyes.

I opened somehow to see them. And I saw Neha and varun seriously discussing about something.

Oh God ! How Neha came here? What they were talking about? My voice is very low to call them So I raised my hand to call Neha but I got strucked.

I was shocked to see my hand that is been injected to drips.

When I tried to get up but suddenly varun came and said,

"No..No ..Don't strain Ananya.Take rest" He mourned.

Then Neha came aside and holded my hand and said,

"We are all there for you Ananya.Don't worry."

What? For what I'm going to worry about? Wait..wait..Why I'm in hospital ?

Uhmm ? I asked.But my voice is very low and I felt no stamina in my body so I bit raised my voice,

Why I'm here? I rolled my eyes and asked in confuse.

They both shocked to hear my question and I saw varun is so disturbed but why?

Varun looked at me in lil tears and tugged my unmessy hair.He is trying to say something but he is not willingly to say that.

But why ??

Then something lately striked me that I fell down while I was talking with varun. Yes! That's the last moment I remember.

And yeah! Before that I was actually talking to Neha.

Omg! Omg! She told that,"Ashish loves me."

Oh woww ! I'm so shocked yet I'm so happy to hear that.

And I really waited for this moment in my life.

And I wish to ...I wish to ..

But.. but what I was talking with varun ?? He told me something about my dad.

He told, " My dad left us"

What he mean by that? No I didn't get him properly.

So I asked him, " Varun what happened to my dad? Did he came from B'lore? And where is mom? And what happened to me?
I really want to know the answer for all my questions and everything around me is so mysterious.

Varun got tears around his cheeks and Neha too! What they are hiding it from me? He then gulped and said,

"Ananya you are unconscious for about an hour and that's why you are admitted here.And y-your dad--." he paussed for a moment.

My Bp is increasing rapdily and why he is not able to tell? His emotions is just killing me from inside.

God Damn just say varun! I shouted.

He then said, "Your dad died before 2 hours Ananya" He hugged me and cried.

What ? No ..No...I can't believe this! No...He can't ! How he can just leave me like that?

I separated him and said, "No varun! He is good and I know that! He can't live without his princess."

He cupped my face and said, " A-Ananya please don't do this! React Normal dear! Relax ju--"

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