Chapter 12

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Chapter 12[UNEDITED]

Ashish's pov:

Omg! omg! varun fell down on the ground and that's why ananya is running to see him

gosh! why I didn't knew this before ananya? shit! I was distracted by her thoughts so  couldnt focus on varun

Its my mistake totally my mistake!I shouldn't have wasted my time by seeing her. If I was in ground I would  have helped varun by now.

ananya is just running so fast as if like she is not cared to see those children playing on the ground

oh god! what if is she fell down by hitting those small children's? she will be hurt, I should go by now to save ananya and varun so I started to run fast.

 I saw ananya shook varun's hand "varun varun varun" .. I lifted varun on my hand and splashed some water in his face there is no response in him..what could I do now?

 And immediately I shifted him to the principal's car and the driver knew its an emergency and so he started the car and asked 2 students to be in car for help.

Ananya went first when the driver told immediately and her friend seated in front.

I transferred varun to ananya very carefully, she placed varun's head in her lap and I saw ananya's face  with lots of tears in her eyes and I know one thing right now,she is in terrible pain.

I took varun's bike key from his pocket before transferring to ananya so that I can come quickly to hospital to help them, because only two girls went and ananya will be in pain so I should only go and speak to the doctors.

I informed my other classmate to tell about this incident to the principal and our class teacher and I started my way to the hospital. GOD! please help varun he should be safe and good .

I reached the hospital within 10mins and I saw Varun is taking into the Emergency ward in the stretcher.

I was about to go inside the room to ask the doctor about what happened to varun. But the nurse didn't allowed me inside, she told me to wait  outside and the doctor will come and tell you about it. So Me, ananya and her friend waited outside.

I saw Ananya's face filled with such a pain and she is seated in the chair  which is outside the emergency ward with her friend and she rested her head in her friend's shoulder

she is so weak now ! her look  is like a baby who lost her mother, she definitely need someone to console her.

I thought of doing that but  what if she ignored me? if I've talked to her before I'll definitely console her and now i don't have right to do that.

I wonder about her pain for her best friend, and I can see those truthness of friendship in them. She is so caring for her friend and being with him in his pain.

this is how a friendship should be and I really miss Neha here.

Right now I'm just craving to speak with Ananya ..but I can't !

Sudden footsteps distracted me from deep thoughts, its the Principal and our class teacher  approaching me !

And the Doctor came outside from the Emergency ward! Ananya came towards the Doctor and we all approached him. And he said "varun got huge hit in the head and we have to do MRI scan for him"

The principal said ,"yes! Doctor do whatever you want. I'lll pay the money and how is varun? can we see him?"

"Nono not now ! we can actually tell you after MRI scan only. So please wait and pray for him"

After few hours said " the scan report tells that...there is a blood cot in the brain nerve, so we should immediately do operation for him. So we are in need of B+ve blood immediately"

Principal said, "ok doctor ,you start the operation now ..I'll sign the papers as their parents are not in jaipur but will tell them about this .. and we will arrange for the blood A.S.A.P"

Oh god! its a blood cot? So much of pain in my heart  and I prayed to GOD that he should be alright soon...wait ..what blood ? is that B+ve? oh... Mine is also the same.

And I went with the nurse to donate my blood to varun. After I donated my blood, the nurse gave Varun''s mobile to me as she found in his I kept in my pocket safely.

And we all seated in the chair so silently and the time is about 7pm .and the principal told"  students can go to their home since its so late and their parents will be worried about you"

Ananya said,"No.. I wont go sir.. I'll stay with varun here .I' ll tell my parents about it ."

The principal said ,"no its not safe for the girl to stay here. We will be there ..we will look after him and you can come by tomorrow"

She became silent for a minute ..and the nurse said "only one person should here with the patient"

So I told the principal "sir I will be here with varun and I take care of him since my parents aren't here so you don't need to worry about my all can go now and come by tomorrow morning"

Ananya looked at me and she went silently with her friend .I dont know what she thought of me but her look is so different ..maybe kind of thanking me..

Principal and our class teacher also went after some hours and I had some bread in the night and sat in the chair outside.

And I took varun's mobile in my hand and called his parents and told about this accident.

they were crying in the phone and shouting his dad told me "we will be coming by next morning so please take care of him"...and I said its my plessure.

I saw Ananya's name in Varun's contact list...I don't know whether she went home safely ?

she is in pain and hurt so badly ..I don't know whether she ate anything or not?

shall I SMS her? But..what if...

No ..I should know as a classmate whether she is safe now? and I have the right too.

so I gave a SMS to her from my mobile

" hey Ananya. You went home safely? Are you okay now?"



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