Chapter 8

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Chapter 8[UNEDITED]

Ananya's pov:

Oh god! 

What the hell happened to the corn seller? this new men is not responsible and now I'm starving.

Mariya shouted in the middle of the road to break the silence between us and I silently walked as if I didn't hear anything.

"Ananya ?" She called me.

"Mmm-Mm" I replied

"Are you okay? "

"Yeah! I'm good." I lied

" are not! I'm watching you from the break and you were so confused
may I know what this all about?" She caught me so exactly and that's why she is my friend.

"Mariya I'm just fine and don't be worried so what's up with that new comer ? I mean "The Handsome Ashish" I just diverted her serious look from me so that she won't ask questions about what happened in the break again.

"Oh yeah! of course he is handsome ,cute and tomorrow I'll show you him and then you say that hows he looking?" she replied with a blush.

"So, you like him right?" I asked.

"Yeah! I liked him but this likeness will won't turn into love my dear. Its just a complement how charming is he?! And love won't come by seeing outside beauty! If so? Then its just a lust! My aim is to settle in US and not to fall in love."

I smiled at her phew! those words  from her giving me a complete breath of joy but why I am so happy inside ?whether I came to know that she is not in love with ashish

if so ?why should I be worried ? "Love will never come by seeing those outside beauty" those words are very true. My feeling for Ashish is not Love and its just an infatuation maybe!

wowww..My confusion got an answer and Mariya solved it. She is my problem solver always and I can face anyone from now on. So I wont hide it anymore.

"I love you Mariya" I said to her with such joyness in my heart probably this will be my third time saying this to Mariya.

"I love you too Ananya" she replied with a smile.

After couple of mins we both went home.

I took a quick shower and finished my homework soon so that I could spend  some time with my mom in kitchen.

Mom is so busy in making Aloo sabji ,paraths,dhal and Kheer rice.

oh I love all of them and its just a delectful dinner!

my mom is best in making sweet dishes and that kheer rice will just melt in my mouth and I always wonder about my mom's cooking.

I use to learn from her whenever I use to get time.

So I helped her by making Marathas and shared "how my day went in school."

later, dad joined with our dinner after finishing my delicious kheer rice and I said good night to them and came to my room.

I use to check my mobile before I sleep so I  saw 3 messages and 2 missed calls.

When I open those messages, I saw its 2 from mariya and 1 from Varun.

Mariya sent me 2 lovely good night msg's, she use to do that daily.

Varun's msg:

Please give me a call ,when you see this

then I saw he called me 2 times while I was helping my mom in kitchen.

So why he called me 2 times? probably he called to ask why I went without giving him a reply. If its so then what should I tell him ? okay let me call first then will see about it.

I called Varun and he picked up in one ring maybe he is having his mobile oh his hand for my call??

"Hello.." He answered

"yeah varun, I'm sorry. I was busy with my mom in kitchen and tell me anything important?"

"Uhmm..yeah kind of important.. uhmm..why you went just like that without saying Hi to Ashish?"

We both paused and he continued,

"You don't like him?"

oh my goodness! Why he asked this question now? I don't like him???

I don't have an answer for this. please varun stop questioning me....okay! cool down ananya. Now you can face anything and there is nothing to hide about ashish.

"Uhmm ....Mariya was waiting for me in class, I forgot to tell her that I was talking with you so I went suddenly. I'm sorry" I lied

"It's okay dear..don't be! You go and sleep. I will see you tomorrow. Good night "

"Yeah, good night. see you!" I cut the line

varun will obviously know  that I'm lying to him but I did that because I have no option and to be very honest I just can't tell varun that Ashish is doing something to me  so I got  scared of him and ran away and he will laugh at me.

I caught several times by lying to him he is very good in that but now he acted like as if I am telling the truth.

Don't know why ? maybe he will ask about this tommorrow.

And that "dear" word  is such a pleasent feeling  to hear from varun

he use to call me "dear" often and I ike when he says that to me and I feel like someone is there to care about me!

Varun is so caring and a gentlemen and he is like a fortune friend to me. I'll never miss my friend for anything in my life but I don't express my friendship to him at anytime.

I thought maybe one day I'll get time to tell him how important is he to me as a friend.

But why should I tell him? The best relationship will know by heart without expressing it.

both feel the same and they can feel it. This is how I use to think manytimes.

And I think he also feel the pure frienship in me and thats why he is so cared about me.

A wish that will come true!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt