Chapter 16

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Chapter 16[UNEDITED]

Ashish's pov :

First time in my life I'm walking with a girl alone. Even I haven't walked like this with Neha. Its been one month but we just had a general talk not very close. But I just longed for one moment like this! I saw ananya walking beside me like a Barbie doll and she is very silently walking with her heads down seeing the road alone. She never took an attempt to see me.

Her silence is such a pleasure to admire her beauty and I love this moment in my life. This place is full of tall tress on both sides and its dark now but I should definitely tell about the moonlight. Its a beautiful pure white light, sparkling in this dark shadow.

I can see those little rays of moon light falling on ananya's face and her beauty is just twinkling like a star, I like to tell this phrase in a Shakespeare's style but that will become a disaster now or maybe this will become my last walking with ananya. I just laughed to myself.

This place making me crazy and its nothing to mention about this place. Moreover I came here for several times but Ananya is walking with me and that's the special thing to be noted in my life.

Who will not love this situation ?

If your favourite person in your life or the person you want to share everything in your life is just walking with you alone in this breezy chill night. Each and every moment with ananya I'm just loving it.

I wish that this path should never end in my life....

I can feel that she is uncomfortable or tensed right now because she wouldn't have walked like this with a boy. Maybe I'm the first guy to walk with her then I saw she is knuckling her fingers often so I thought to make her comfortable so I broke the silence between us...

"Hey are you okay ?" I asked

After hearing my voice she finally raised her head and looked at me.

"Yeah! I'm good" She said softly

After the reply she again puts her head down. I think she is not interested to talk with me,Maybe I should keep my mouth shut for a while. After all I'm just her guardian right now..

Ananya's pov:

I'm sorry ashish for not replying you properly and you are helping me so much but I feel guilty to take your accompany. I don't know why I'm doing this to you and I have loads to talk with you but I couldn't.

But I have to ask sorry to him for insulting him on that day,So how to start with?I took a deep breath

"uhmm..?I'm sorry for not responding you on that day!"

OMG! No response from him for a secs. What I've done? whether he heared what I said or did I said anything wrong? did I hurt him?

why he is not seeing my face ? His silent walk giving me a butterflies in my stomach.Oh Ashish please reply something...

After a couple of secs, I heared his voice

Its okay Ananya!

oh my Goodness he forgave me? I'm so happy and I just wanna jump right now but I can't do that before him. what he will think? 

"What happened to your friend Ananya?? I didn't saw her today?"

Is he asking about mariya? oh God! have he noticed her  that much ? Thats really a big shock.

"You asking about Mariya? she is busy with her family stuffs."

"Hmm hmm her name is Mariya huh? is she your best friend?"

Are you kidding me ashish? you never know her name ? That's impossible! Havent varun told about her? Maybe he don't know and that's why he is asking for it.

"Ya she is one of my best friend."

Ashish's pov :

Whaat? one of my best friend huh? so you have many friends ? But I didn't seen you like that. Maybe the other friend will be varun. Then wat about me? I'm dying here for you but you are not interested to note me.

"Hmmm...Then who else is there? I mean your best friends?"


And what? whos the next person ?Its really giving me a  hyper tension and I'm already sweating over here. Please don't give any shock ananya. I can't bear those.

and..Ashish Gupta..

I don't know whether its real or a dream? Is ananya in good mood ? how suddenly she told my name? I wish to be like that but I never imagined she will say it to me. Flowers are just dropping from sky like a rain and suddenly felt like I'm in Antartica.. what a lovely moment?

"Thank you ananya for engaging me as you friend in your life. Its a great pleasure to be your friend."

And I don't know whether I will fulfill this friendship till my life.Its a quite a difficult task for me.

"You look beautiful ananya in this moonlight"

I don't know why I suddenely told this to her and yes my mind is not in my control. Don't know how she will react for this? She became silent and no response form her.

Maybe I've taken much advantage as a friend.Oh shit! I shouldn't have told this to her.

Ananya's pov :

What the hell? sorry why the hell he told me like that? I just wanted him to be as my friend but his tone of complimenting me is much more than a friend. I'm sure that I won't ruin this moment by over reacting.

Actually I dont wanna react but indeed I dont know how to react if a person gives me a compliment.

So I'm just confused and I dont wanna look at him but my heart is jumping and dancing in a joy that Ashish admired my beauty. Its like a two way of feeling "joy and nervous".

After a couple of seconds we arrived at my home and I was about to enter my gate but ashish called me..


I turned to see him because after his compliment we havent talked anything and its such a embarrassing moment for both them. Maybe he just called me to say bye 

"Bye...Take care" he replied with a smile.

"Bye" I replied him

His mobile is ringing after I said bye. So he searched for his mobile in his pocket and I turned to reach our entrance door ..while I'm walking I heard that he said...

hello.. so many thoughts just running into my mind who will be that?

he said "hey Neha" with a great shock in his voice

"Neha"? who's that? this name I never heard it before

and after that I entered into my living room his voice just vanished slowly. Maybe he went away from my home but i didnt look back at him.

My mind is disturbed a lot.

Whos that neha to him? His mother? or his Aunt?

Or maybe his Girlfriend too, who knows?

I'm not cared if he has a girlfriend...least bothered.

Moreover I didnt like that name "Neha" Its just a poison to my heart.

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