Chapter 31

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Ananya's pov :

I sobbed and I sobbed and sobbed. "Yes" Yes yes ! How many times would I want to tell you! Yes, varun. I sobbed! Don't ask me this question again please. I beg you. I cried before him very badly. Varun cupped my face to look at him.

He said,"Its okay babe. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you this! Its my mistake! Dear please don't cry!".

And leaned forward to hug me but I  moved away from him. Avoided his hug!

And said,"please excuse me, I have to face my wash varun before anyone could see me like this!"

He said,"Yeah! you look so pale dear,come let's go".

When we went out to varun's room we are unable to find neha and ashish. Varun went to search for them in house. But they are nowhere! What the hell now happened to them? Where they went? It will be that devil's play.

But Did he see me again with varun in that room? So it is the reason for him to escape from here? But I haven't hugged varun today. The first time when I hugged varun turned into a great disaster! So I'm avoiding him as much as possible. But why can't ashish understand this? He actually saw me going with varun.

But why he went out without leaving a message? Oh ya! He won't msg me, Fair enough! But he could have messaged at least to varun ! uff ! Now varun gonna get disappointed! Oh God! He shouldn't stress his brain. I went behind him.

"Varun" I called him.

And he is busy in searching them. Looks funny! Are they playing hide n seek? Whatever!

He replied as walking and searching each room, "yes,dear!"

Oh God! Will you just stop saying "dear" Its quite annoying to me. When I use to think him as friend these sounds of dear is so pleasant to me but not now. Highly irritating!

I followed him and said,"uhmm...They maybe went home varun. You don't worry about them".

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. I just bumped into him by mistake. Grrr! Please tell me while you are turning! Gosh! He hold me and said by raising his eyebrows,

"Why I should be worried when my princess is here?" with a wicked smile on his face.

Offo! He started his drama again! So Is he just saying in a romantic way? I don't feel anything with him! But one guy made me to feel that! But he is nothing to me now! I don't know what to reply or how to react to these situations.

I just simply rolled my eyes. Varun came forward and I moved ten steps back. He again moved then when I tried to move back he hold me with his hand. I'm struck! No way to move. He came closer. Damn! I am frozen.

I am frozen by the way he approaches me like ...In hospital he tried to do something on me like .. He came closer and then varun collapsed everything. I kinda got tears in my eyes. Each move of varun I see him. Yes,Ashish! His face, His eyes, His smell, His fragrance, his breath ..everything.

I'm really missing that idiot! Someone touched my face and then I came to reality. Oh God! Varun is damn close to me and actually what he is trying to do ? I pulled him back and said,

"Varun,W—" he cutt off my word and

asked," What? I don't have the right to hold your hand?" and I don't know how to tell him.

But that time I got a call from my mom. Great escape! I excused from him and talked to mom.

She said,"I'm taking your dad to hospital for checkup so get the key from our neighbour" and I said,

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