Chapter 3

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                                                                CHAPTER  3[UNEDITED]

Damn..! what's that heavy sound? I almost woke up from a nap. I looked out through my window.

Its lightning and thunder. Gosh ! Its a heavy rain.It seems like its started to rain a few mins back..uff..I got scared..Those lightning are too scary.And moreover in this November month you can expect this kind of weather.

"Ananya ? " My mom called me.

She knows that I will be  frightened by the thunder and lightning so probably she called me for that to check whether I'm okay?

"Yeah! Mom....I'm okay?"  I replied.

She said, " try to do your homework for the GOD sake" she use to tell me often so she cant get scolding from my class teacher but definitely she wont force me to study.

"Yeah mom!  I'm gonna start and you don't worry" I shouted from my room.

So I started to dig my bag to check what's the homework to do today. Oh GOD! MATHS? grrr..I dont know why I hate this subject? But somehow started to do.

Then I got  a call from Mariya probably she called me to check whether I've finished h/w or not?

"yeah! Mariya ? what's up?" I answered the call and said

"Hey Ananya? just called you to ask whether you finished that hell problems in maths?" she frowned

"HAHA...yes ..I'm on the way and I'll assure you that if I have finished my problems I'll definitely mail you that."

"yeah, okay. Thank you! Love you Ananya, Bye!" she disconnected

"Bye" I smiled to myself actually Mariya often says me "I love you" its not that I'm helping her but she have an habit of saying it to me often.

And very rarely I'll tell her and its not that I'm not  loving her but I have a problem..uhmm.."EGO"

yeah, I know its not good to be like that...but..uhmm....Its not fully "EGO" .I wont say my feeling so openly like Mariya. whatever! It became my habit.

But I wish to...

So,the next morning I thought to give hyper tension to my beloved mom and dad. Actually dad wont be in home often. business he is luckily in home today and brushing my pity? on the other hand my mom is busy in packing my lunch.

I'm not saying them to do it but I'm the only child and they feel very proud to do that for me. And I made them tensed by telling them that I lost my ID. And they were searching all the places in home.

Actually I'm having in my pocket and let them give a morning walk but they looked so pity! And they are searching in an hurry! Because I'm supposed to be at school right now.

so I gave up and said, "Okay mom and dad.Cool! I have my ID" and showed my teeth wider.

Mom said," you will always do this to us and when you are going to stop behaving like a child?" she yelled

Dad said, "No worries, let her be like this. she will be here with us until her marriage." he said and became very sad.

so, I thought to cheer them up and said,"Ok papa, Then I wont be married..How about that? You don't feel." Everyone laughed and I came out  and started to walk faster.

So 10 mins late and Mariya is already there in class. she know that I wont accompany her in morning because I'll be always late.

And Science sir excused me since he is very good friend of my dad.

So the class went like so boring as usual !

In class break varun called me by putting his hand above his head and giving me a big "HI"

I just gave him a big smile..

Varun is my childhood friend.And he is  very good looking person and I have a great respect on him.And very studious, loyal and trustworthy person. After Mariya he is one of my bestie!

But I wont give much importance to boys in my life. Its not that I don't like boys...but..

uhmm ..Maybe distance relationship never hurts us.

"So,varun whatsup??" I asked

"Hi Ananya! Have you seen Ashish? " He asked

Ashish?? who the hell is he? I never heared this name before.

"who is he??"  I asked varun

you don't know ? he is our new classmate and he came from Bombay. Today only he joined in our school and he became my friend now. Haven't you seen him while teacher introduced?

"oh! I don't know and I'm late today."

Varun smiled at somebody suddenly but I'm not able to see clearly because boys are hiding him. And I'm trying to see who's that ? why he is giving that big smile?

Here he comes....OH MY GOD!


My heart started to beat heavily and I stood still!

He is in our school uniform and my lower jaw went down!

He exactly came and stood next to me with a big smile and I started to shiver.He definitely have some kind of spell bound and that is why he is paralyzing me.

varun said ,"Ananya he is Ashish"

"Ashish this is Ananya, My best friend." and he smiled saying that. 

He said "HI" with a cute smile.

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