Chapter 2

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                                                                 CHAPTER  2[UNEDITED]

"No..No..No..for 2 corns I can't give you 20 rupees. Take it for 10" I said ."The shopkeeper said its not our Indian corn madam. Its American sweet corn so its of 20rupees." He frowned

Sigh! does he thinks that I came from a village?He is speaking like as if I don't know anything about corns. I use to buy here daily but the man I use to buy has changed and this person is new to us. WHATEVER!!

I gave 20rs to him and let him be happy, I thought. I shared corn with Mariya and we were returning from school. we usually come by this road and have corn. And Will do lots of gossips and laugh too loud and then go to our home. And there is actually a complete joy of walking with your friend and chit chatting.

Since we are in 12th std studies are more important and to score high marks in the main exam. But me and mariya are like soul mates and we often use to think the same and scoring high marks will never make you proud or intelligent. Its just a mark after all so we didn't stressed ourselves to tuitions and special classes. We just need a simple life with lots of happiness and smile and I strongly believe in helping others and that will give you complete joyness in your heart .

As we are walking a sudden storm or wind. I don't know what the Hell is it? But that strong wind made us to move back and I hold Mariya hand tightly. Everyone is running here and there.

Climate changes to very dark clouds and is about rain at anytime and very chill,breezy,fresh air and of course the smell of sand Awww...I just love that smell.

The road which we use to walk will have huge tress on both the sides. That moment was so pleasant and heavenly and I saw a man who is old aged struggling to fold his umbrella.

I laughed to myself because he seems to be like dancing when he tries to fold so I helped him to fold and somehow did it and he thanked me for that. I always love helping people it gives me immense pleasure and I smiled at him back. 

Suddenly the dust got raised up by a huge wind and Mariya took of her glass and starts rubbing it. Mariya usually wears a specs so I use to kid her as "Nerd". Now she can't see even if a big cobra stands in front of her. And I started to rub my eyes too for a clear vision.

That moment in my life..

That time when I saw ..

when  I saw HIM..


Yea,HIM...I dont know who is he?He came like a sudden storm from somewhere like a superhero,Handsome,tall. His black shiny hair just waving in this wind.

Warm colour skin tone and .. What? Ananya why are you Observing him so much ? I'm not the person who will fall for a man...but ...No.. just Stop Gazing at him right now.

Am I just dreaming or what?? Is he a Prince who came from a castle.?  That moment took me to the fairytale stories. He is doing something to me.What he had done to me ?? My bloods are just freezing up by his presence.

But when I noticed him. He is doing something but what??...Oh GOD!! he's lifting up the luggage of a lady who couldnt do that because of this wind and he's helping her.

oh.."I'm just melting like a butter in a hot pan"

He is having such kindness and helping others ..wait..He is same as like me?

So HE is the one for me??.I closed my eyes and opened and its just a blink but looking like I'm in a slow motion mode.

I'm not able to see him...Vanished!!

What? is he Invisible just like that?

my eyes captured him so much and searching for him as if like a scanning-Robot search's for a Target.

Is this real? or  a dream? The strom or wind whatever has just stopped.Whats this all about?

Someone is shook me and who the hell it is?? oh God! Its Mariya and I totally forgot her.

she is shouting ..what happened?? why are you idol?

Should I tell her??

or if she noticed him, probably she would have told me about him and which girl will not share when a handsome guy passes by so she didn't see him?

because she is busy with her specs. What if I tell her ?

But I have to be very clear. Myself have an doubt that what I just saw before 5mins is real or not??

Sigh! "Yeah..I'm okay..." I replied

"Then walk"  she yelled

I continued to walk with lots of confusion in my mind but something I'm happy about it and something which makes my heart so chill and relaxing. It's just some feeling which I can't come up with my words. He is  something.

After I came home, I refreshed myself and had hot parathas which my mom made and lied on my bed to take some rest. So I put on my headsets and played a melancholic song.

That song reminds me of that moment when I saw him. How he just came from that wind.?

that 3sec or 4sec permanently stored in my mind.

The song which I am listening is "Taylor swift's love story " Aww..who will not love that song?

Those lyrics are just repeating on my mind.

"you will be the prince and i'll be the princess"

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