Chapter 34

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Ananya's pov:

uh,My legs are really paining! Now-a-days I can't even walk for 20 mins continuously.What a shit life I'm going through.If Mariya accompany's me,I can even walk in Marathon.But I'm really missing her so much.And this route to my college is very treacherous.I just smiled to myself and thought that I never changed from school.Even 4pm path of my daily route is very critical for me.I think the Inborn character in me will never change till my death.Even some of my college friends use to tell me.Some of my stubbornness they can't able to tolerate.But they aren't like Mariya.But I can't say they aren't coperative to me.But something is not bonding with them.

Then I crossed the long road which ends at my house.Phew! Just 5mins more.

But the surroundings ached me suddenly.Yes! This is the place when I first had a long walk with..with..A-Ashish.And this is the place where I hugged him.So many memories are there but they aren't good memories to smile.They are just painful memories.Whenever I use to cross this place I remember him a lot.He just left so many memories around me.

Its been one-year hardly but no SMS or call from neither Ashish nor Neha.But I won't get it from Ashish.I know that! But what about Neha? She too hate me?And after the final exams I didn't really get a chance to meet them.Seriously,I'm not hating anyone in my life now.Maybe this missingness changed me totally.I hated him once but not now.How can I hate just like that? This space between us made my feelings even more stronger than before.How can I hate my Ashish? How can I forget him?

He may be in love with Neha but I can't forget my first love? It gave me the happiness which I haven't faced throughout my life.The only one love in my life is Ashish.What happened now afterall? Let Neha and Ashish be happy.Why I should be possessive to them? They are my friends indeed.

But I don't know how long I'm gonna cheat varun in the name of love? And he is the only person in school who is in touch with me.But Mariya and me sometimes chat in skype.Ashish didn't inform anyone about where he is? Maybe he went back to his native or Did he went to study in IIT? I heared that he scored quite a good mark in final exams.But I scored less than him so I got a seat in Women's college in the stream of physics.And Varun also scored a good mark so he got a seat in the leading college.And Mariya got the first mark in school.You know,She is a complete traitor! I still remember that she told,"I didn't do well in Maths Ananya.May be I'll score around average." Hmm Whatever!I'm glad that she is doing her degree in one of the top college in U.S.

If Atleast Neha is in touch with me I could have known about Ashish.My life is really boring with the same routine.Now I'm just feeling that "Even Ashish's harshful words are better than now." That pain,hurt,misunderstanding,lil happiness all I'm terribly missing.I wish those days should be back soon or Atleast I wish I could see Ashish's face once.

After going through all those old memories even I reached my house.There are lot to think about and feel.Then I entered my house and I saw my mom busy at her works as usual.So I went near and hugged her from back.She got afraid! Haha.I like that when she screams! But this isn't a good thing.Soon I should change my lil crap in me.Then we had a small chat and I went to my room.After I got refreshed myself I looked at my mobile.I saw 2 SMS which is unread.So I opened,

Varun : Hey Angel ! How's your day?

Uh,I usually get this SMS from Varun.So I replied,"Nothing much.Yours?"

Then I opened my 2nd Sms,

Tanu : Hey,Reached home? Don't forget to come to library today at 6pm.We have to search notes for exams.And today is the last day Ananya.Give me a call when you reached there.

Omg! I totally forget this issues.She just told in class too.But How I forget things so easily?She knows me and that's why she reminded me again.So I replied,"Thank you sweet-heart.I'll be there at 6pm sharp."

When I was about to get up from my bed I got a another Sms from Varun stating,"Boring without you dear.Shall we meet?"

Oh God! Why he can't understand ? I'm not interested to go anywhere with him and I also have work in library.So I replied,

No.I have some work.

And put my mobile in silent and closed my eyes just to take a nap.So that I'll be active in coming hours.

Some sudden sound hit my head harder and caused me to jump from my bed.Oh shit! What's that sound all about? Steading up myself and peeked through window.Crap! Its the thunder! God No! Whether It will rain?No No please It should not rain now.I have to go out.

And immediately gathered all my paper works in my bag and rushed outside.And mom yelled at me to have something.So I had my tea and went but before I cross the gate my mom asked me,"Ananya when will you return?"

I said by opening the gate,"It may take longer ma,Don't worry.I'll call you."She said,"Okay.Be careful"

I know why she is so afraid of me? Because I never went out at this late night but Tanu will accompany to my house.So no problem and I can return at any time.Then somehow reached the library around 6.05pm and called Tanu.She asked me to come inside.So later we were so busy in finding the books to take notes.

Some hours later I looked at my mobile and I got a mere shock.Oh God! Its 7:30 already.We totally forgot the time in digging in to our notes making.And also there is only one bar code of battery in my mobile.Shit! I forgot to put in charge.

So I asked Tanu whether shall we move? But she said,"Yeah! Its already late Ananya but I'm sorry I can't come with you now.Because I have to take my sister to hospital and I totally forgot to say that to you! She have an appointment.So I'm sorry dear."

What the Hell? She should have told me before? How can I go home alone without her? She is a complete jerk! But her issue is important.I simply said,"Its okay.I'll manage." She don't know that I can't walk alone to home.But what's going to happen If I tell that now ? Anyway she have to move.So I braced myself"Comeon! Ananya you can manage.".

So I went out and she went in opposite direction. And I felt the chill breeze around.Its so cool! Maybe It will rain in few mins.So before that I should move to my house.So I walked faster.

Within a min It started to rain! Crap! Oh God! I'm totally struck. It rains very faster than before. So I walked faster and went to the near by bus stand before I could totally drench.Thank God! And something frightens me a lot is that "There is no one in the bus stand" I don't know why? It really makes me to think of the horror movies.

By all of a sudden I can able to see some of them nearing to the bus stand.I can't really see them clearly.But Thank God! Atleast some of them are there around me.And later when they were close to my sight I saw them clearly.

Oh God! Three boys walked unsteadily with a beer bottle in their hand.This is more worst than the Horror movies.Why they are coming here?My heart started to beat faster.Sooner I'm gonna get heart-attack.My hands became so wet and my body started to shake.

They came and stood very near to me and I tried to move away from them.But they rounded me.Before I start to run from them.One of the guy holded my hand in force.I screamed to the hell! Shouted! Help ! Help!

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