Chapter 37

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Ananya's pov :

"Mom I'm good now. Don't worry" I consoled her but she kept on asking me questions.Then I told about how Ashish saved me.

She almost got heart-attack ! And she also told that "Ashish is a good fellow.Be thankful to him"

I just laughed to myself ! What ? Is he good ? No..No ..A good friend will never leave you alone.He is not like before.And I will never be thankful to him. Uhmm..May be I should ! He saved my life! I just can't think what would have happened if Ashish didn't come to that place?

But why he came? He said that he is living in Jhodpur but how he came just like that? It will take minimum of one day to Jaipur.But how?

I should have asked him about this but instead of that I'm just blabbering over here. But he didn't reply me properly and moreover he is trying to avoid me.

Then mom called me to have dinner and I asked about dad.
She told that,"He is very busy with his business now."

I got hesitated! He is never gonna leave his business.I'll be the one who will be very happy If he got resigned. Lol.

Then I asked, "Still in Bangalore?"

"Yes.He might come by this week" she replied

Oh No! I'm terribly missing him mom.Why can't he understand that?

He is doing for us dear.Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you! 10mins before varun came here and asked about you.

Oh goodness! Why he came here?

He tried to your mobile itseems but Its not reachable.So came here to ask about you.

Oh God! My mobile got dead without charge Ma.

Okay.Just call him and say that you are safe because he was so worried about you.

Sure Mom.

Why he came here? Can't he just wait for my reply.He is over-doing now a days and I should put him a full stop.

Oh yeah! I forgot to reply him back! I saw his reply when I was in library.He asked me "Why?" but I was busy in searching my notes and charge went down later.

So Maybe he would have worried for that! Then I put my mobile in charger and went to take a hot bath.

Then later I switched On my mobile and saw 14 missed calls from varun.OMG! He got mad?
Why he called me so many times?
Better I'll call him.

He just picked at one ring and said,

"Ananya? Where are you ? How are you Ananya? What happened to your mobile?"

He continuously asked so many questions than my mom.He didn't allow me to speak.

"Varun I'm good.Don't panic"

Where you went Ananya? He is quite serious!

I told you varun that I'll be in library.

Yeah I know but what happened to your mobile?

Charge dead varun.But why you came here?

I worried about you Ananya.I thought you got some problem!

He is right! How he know that I was in problem ? So I told the whole story and I also told about Ashish.He then asked,

"What? Ashish ? I mean,you saw Ashish ?"

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