Chapter 33

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Ananya's pov :

"Ma, What's this? I just can't believe that dad's BP got raised than before." I  just forgot the moment what I was talking to Neha (ASA she left us ) when I saw the report's of dad.

Mom shrugged her shoulder and said,"Ask our dad".

I went to dad and hold his hand and said,"Pa,What's this? I told you before that don't strain your health. But you are not listening to me?"

I'm quite nervous about his health and looked at his eyes.

He just said,"No dear,This is not straining. I'm just doing for my princess" He winked at me.

I really don't know what to say, he is just overdoing on his business for my sake. I can't really let my dad go like that. His health is more important to me than my life. But why can't he understand that?

I said,"Dad,I know you are doing this for me but please don't make me guilty." I sighed.

"I don't need your money,I just need you" I firmly hold both his hands .

He then hugged me and said,"What If your prince asks me dowry?" He softly chuckled.

I lost my patience and departed from him and said,

"Then I don't need that Prince instead I live with my Hero" I winked at him.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and said

"O poor baby, I can't be with you all time dear."

And I immediately told,"I will be."

No doubt in that. I want my parents to be with me all time and I can't even imagine life without them. I don't know about my future partner and I'm not even ready to think about it.

Why should I waste my time in thinking about the future rather to live with my present relationships? Before I say something to dad, He again went out for his business issues.

Grrrrr. I really hate this business of my dad. Oh God! He also have a problem in breathing. I don't know when he is gonna stop all this. Then I said "Bye" to him.

Then I went to my room and lay on bed and thought about the conversation with Neha.

Why I said like that? I lied her? I'm lying to everyone. But she came here to say that,"They are in love"

How can I just listen to that? Its such a pain to see or listen about my love with other one. Tears started to tremble around my cheeks. Whenever I use to think about him only tears bursting out first.

Why Ananya? Why you are making yourself weak? No No No...I'm not weak I wiped my tears but it never stopped When she have such gut to say then why I shouldn't I? But she is telling the truth and I'm not.

Suddenly phone rings that pinched me to reality. Oh Its a call from Mariya. Where she gone ? I totally forgot her in this tension. Last time I saw her in farewell party. So I attended her call and said,

"Hey Mariya? How are you?" I wiped my tears again so that she won't find out that I'm in trouble.

"Yup. Fine darling. How about you? "

I sighed and said "Good".

"What's the problem ? "She asked me immediately when my voice went down. Oh God! Now she's never gonna believe me whatever I say.

"Nothing Mariya. Where you went all these days? I diverted

"Uh Uh Uh. Don't divert me Ananya. I know about you. Tell me What's wrong with you ?" She questioned me again as she is never gonna leave me.

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