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****Willow's POV****

After having the conversation with Miles the other day I had to go away for a shoot abroad so I haven't had the chance to speak to anyone. Miles and I have been messaging constantly and from what I've been told nothing has happened with him and Maeva so I'm just going to have to trust him on that. Liv was also celebrating her birthday so we were going away for the weekend to celebrate at her parent's house. I had planned to go early with Miles the night before to help Lib but the whole thing became a bit sour though when I got a text an hour before we were meant to leave which left me fuming. 

"I need a big glass of whatever's going." I announced when I walked into the living room, finding Liv nursing a glass of red. "Sorry I'm late."

"Don't worry about it, is Miles following you in?"

"Next joke please."

"Why, what's happened?" She asked, turning to look at me as I sunk into the sofa next to her.

"I got a text from him, an hour before we were meant to leave saying Maeva's still really upset, he saw her today and she wanted him to go with her tomorrow. So he's going with her tomorrow because he couldn't say no, apparently." I had to take a pause to control the anger in my voice. 

"What so he wants to...."

"Oh no it gets better, so then just as I arrive I get a text from one of my friends, she owns a swimwear shop in Chelsea and guess who was in there today, Miles and Maeva."

"Fuck off, did she give you anymore details?"

"Oh she gave me all the details, apparently he got his own little tour of the shop and then she tried some on for him, gave him a right little show. They were in there for over an hour. To me that's just disrespectful on both halves and then I hear he was speaking about going out with Ruby yesterday. Like would he be happy if I went bikini shopping with Julius or Fred, he'd be livid."

"I was actually going to tell you something today, I didn't want you to hear this over the phone but I have to tell you..."

"Hit me with it." I downed the rest of my drink and refilled it to the top, ready for what she had to say."

"So I had lunch with Maeva and Ollie yesterday and Maeva made a comment that did concern me a bit, Ollie had just left and she said that to get back at James for kissing that girl, she wants to make him pay and the only way to do that would be to sleep around... with Miles."

"Say that again?"

"She wants to sleep with Miles, to hurt James as much as he hurt her."

"I feel like I'm dreaming right now, you don't say that about anyone, never mind the person your supposed friend is seeing."

"She's really hurt right now and I think she's just on this war path and when she's like this she's got her blinkers on, she can't see what anyone is feeling."

"But that's no excuse, I would never even think of feeling like that."

"How's that making you feel, knowing they're going to be here together?"

"I was annoyed before I even heard what you said, now I'm just angry, I'm angry at her for saying things like that, I'm annoyed at Miles for going shopping with her but I'm just frustrated with myself, I knew this would happen."

"Have you spoken to him about any of this?"

"I spoke to him last week, obviously before all this and he said I just had to trust him."

"Do you?"

"I did before this but Maeva just has her way and in my head I know it will be hard for him to deny her if she asks."

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