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*****Willow's POV****

It took a few days to get myself together after the whole argument with Liv, it just felt like she was the one person in Chelsea I could really rely on and now she's gone. She messaged me the morning after asking me to meet but I said I just wanted some time to cool down and she thankfully got the message and hasn't attempted to contact me since. I was on my daily walk to clear my mind when I spotted Sam, Rez and Harvey in the distance so I had to go and speak to them.

"Boys." I awkwardly announced my presence. "How are we all doing?"

"Willow." Sam as his usual gleeful self pulled me in for a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm better."

"We were just talking about little old Rez over here. I believe he's still got this Ruby cloud showering over him."

"I agree with you, but you can't just get rid of it." Rez agreed with him. "What's actually happening is it getting harder because the longer we go,  the more she expresses her opinions of wanting to get back with me."

"She's treating you like shit." Harvey said. 

"When a few days ago, she was calling me crying asking me to get back with her."

"What I don't understand is she's saying this to you, she wants to get back with you, she loves you. But then she was out on a date with Miles and they kissed."

"Yeah I mean that sucks, I'm not going to lie, our lasts words were her begging me to show her I cared and to allow her to show me that she wanted to get back with me."

"And by showing you she got with Miles."

"I said, 'yeah ok cool', how do you think that makes me feel, I feel awful."

"I believe we're all probably in agreement that she does want to be single or with someone else and that's the worst bit." Sam admitted. 

"I think it's an ego thing as well." Harvey admitted. "Would she ever go back on all the stuff she's said about you, you've basically been made out to be the worst man in the world, or at least the worst boyfriend."

"We got off on the wrong foot." I admitted to Rez. "But because I was spending so much time with Ruby in that house, she was basically making you out to be this manipulative person, the worst boyfriend. I couldn't understand why she would even want to be with you. That's the impression of you I got from your own girlfriend at the time."

"This is my problem, when its me and her in that little bubble and she's talking to me and she's saying the stuff she does, it's very hard for me to then be like 'she doesn't want to be with me' and that's the issue."

"No I get that, I fully understand that." Sam said. "She's said all the things, but what I'm saying to you and it's just my opinion, I don't think she does want to get back with you but when she has a down day she goes 'oh I can't handle it anymore, I must reach out' and that takes you back five steps. I feel like it's time for a block mate."

"It would be tough for me, because I always thought she was the one for me." I could see him getting upset so I put my arm around him. "I don't want to get emotional."

"It's all good."

"I thought she was the one, so it's a tough one."

"You've just got to remember this isn't the girl you fell in love with." I said. "You can't hold onto the girl you thought she was, like a lot of people."

"Shit." Sam paused. "Did you know about the whole Ruby and Miles thing?"

"Yeah I knew, I'll admit I'm really struggling right now hearing you talk about this Ruby that you feel in love with because right now she's sticking the knife in right where it hurts. I got a message from her at Liv's party of them on a date together,  with a cute little caption about finally realising what they had together."

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