Where do we go from here?

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****Willow's POV****

"Before we get into all of this, what's going on with you? Where's you and Miles at?" I had organised to meet up with Liv and Emily after news about Liv and Tristan started to spread and the confusion between what he had told Liv and Nicole had become clear.

"Have not spoken to Miles, I'm still so angry at the situation that I just don't think it's clever for me to speak to him yet. I'm meeting with Maeva this afternoon though to speak to her. I know he's your good friend Emily but I feel like this is something that I can't just brush under the carpet and be gone with."

"No, I'm meeting with Miles this afternoon." Emily confessed. "I'm just going to try and get to the bottom of it all and then see where he can go from here because I always thought you two looked good together."

"So did I, I guess I just choose the complicated men, speaking of which, can we please just speak about how stupid this guy is?" 

"I just can't believe he thought he was going to get away with it, especially when you he knows you and her have met and we're all spending time with each other." Emily agreed with me. 

"The funny thing is that if he'd have been straight up and said things are getting, not serious, with Nicole but they're pursuing each other properly, I would never have slept with him." Liv confessed. 

"But don't beat yourself up about that."

"I'm annoyed though because he sat in my house and said it was nothing between them, just a few drinks and that was it. Shady behaviour"

"Have you spoken to Nicole about this?"

"She's actually coming here, I asked to meet with her."

"I can't wait to see what she thinks about all this." I confessed. 

"No but in a way it's a good thing because when we slept together, we had dinner together and it was really nice and because of that in the back of my head I thought there was a chance of us sorting something out."

"I told you this the other day, a line has got to be drawn."

"Oh now there's no chance of us even being mates."

"Personally I think this just shows how little he actually cares about you, how he didn't think about how this would effect you in the long run, just if he could get his five minutes worth of pleasure."

"Hi girls," I looked over my shoulder and found Nicole making her way over. 

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, I'm sorry for taking off the other night, I obviously felt a bit weird in the circumstances." Nicole said. 

"I mean the whole this is slightly bizarre."

"I'm shocked because I thought this boy was vanilla ice cream, boring and nice."

"I think everyone feels like that at first." I told her. 

"I just think what pissed me off the most is that he let me go to your family home, your parent's house just to be caught off guard by news like that."

"He's lied savagely to both of us, I don't really understand why he didn't just turn around to me and say something."

"But he wanted the best of both worlds, well congrats to him because he had two peaches and now he has none."

"So what's the game plan now then?" I had to ask. 

"He wants to meet me tomorrow, we could just do an absolute shocker and let you turn up as well."

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