Chapter 4 ❥ Evil at heart

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Chapter 4 ❥ Evil at heart

Alyssa's POV *

    My room was incredibly massive. The floor was soft, and violet. Empty soon-to-be-filled walls, and a luxurious headboard for a massive bed. I had a canopy, and I guess it was a way to make me feel all princess-like. I had my very own patio taking a view of the neighborhood roads. Massive. A word  everyone uses around here.

   Further in the room, the entrance on the left leads to the most fanciest bathroom in the history of my eyeballs. This room was big enough to be an apartment. I admired the patio the most, due to a lot of space it gave me. Along with the pool in its view.

   My bed had a huge stand as a stairs. I wouldn't be surprised if I tripped one day getting off the bed. Privacy was important at the moment, because my bathroom had doors to actually pull the whole thing together. My bathtub was built-in to the ground! Along with large poles supporting the wall. The bathroom would be the first thing I wake up to.


   "Alyssa, wake up! Let's go out! The interior designers and painters and whatevers are gonna come anytime soon and we need to evacuate!" My mom's voice called from downstairs. I groaned, searching for my phone. 9:33am, Saturday.

    I sat up in a sitting position from the heavy white blankets and pillows. The sun was quite annoying today, shining through the patio as it lit up in my face. I dragged myself to the bathroom and spent my time in the most cutest bathtub ever. I took the steps and hopped in.

   I reached out for a towel and successfully found a velvet one hanging over the edge. As soon as I stepped out I clumsily skipped a step and fell on the floor, wringing out my hair and tripping on my own water. Am I always this clumsy? 

   After completely drying myself, I dug into a large pink suitcase sitting behind my bed. 

   I returned back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, fully-clothed. Afterwards I discovered I had a rosy, pink Ed Hardy flat iron. I straightened every inch of my long dark hair. After spritz of perfume, Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift, I turned my iPod on and scrolled through. Taylor Swift, Cher Lloyd, Demi Lovato, One Direction, I smiled.

Selena Gomez, Little Mix…

   I went to One Direction and listened to their version of One Way or Another by Blondie. Somehow, it was in the boys' movie that came out recently that I remember watching the night I moved here. They showed me just to keep me busy. I haven't heard from them for the last 2 days because they seemed to be busy. But as soon as they have time, they'll be invading my house almost all the time.

   I bounced down the hallway and went downstairs to find my mom sitting at the dining table, drinking tea smiling sweetly at her phone.

   "Hey Alyssa, you ready?" She asked, eyes glued to the phone.

   "Yup." I checked to see if I brought my phone. I was eager how the remodeling of my room was going to turn out as I bit on my bottom lip. "How long should we be away?" I asked.

   "Well– we're gonna have to be away about a day." She murmured. 

   "What? Where are we gonna be?" I asked, rather not concerned or fazed.

   "You, my princess, will be staying at the boys' house. Only for a day."

   I gulped. They're really sweet, but I don't want any guy pulling at my hairs this early in the morning. "What about you?"  She shifted around.

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