Chapter 9 ❥ Victorious

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Chapter 9 ❥ Victoriously Faded

Harry's POV*

   Three days. Three days not hearing, seeing, or, oddly enough– maybe even smelling Alyssa. I don't know why I constantly rant over her relationship in my head, it's automatic stress. I may be lying to myself in deep denial, those feelings are in the past and locked away into a box that will possibly never open again.

   "You're jealous Harold!" Louis teases me.

   "Don't stress over it, mate. Can't you see the girl is happy? You're her best friend. you should support that." Liam once told me. It's like the boys confront me about my own feelings when I'm sceptical about them myself.  I don't know, I guess the feeling over Alyssa not being the Alyssa we all liked and miss makes me feel very different about her. We're so distant and it's killing me, and the feeling of me feeling like everything is my fault just shoots me off. I feel as if I was the bloke who caused all of this mess. It just kills me. I feel very left out these days and it's clearly not usual for me. 

   "Boys!" I heard Danielle banging on the front door, which is odd because I can hear her voice clearly from the living room. The boys were busy playing a game of Go Fish while I stared blankly at the telly. I was completely startled when Liam rushed in front of me to walk down the narrow hallway, passed the kitchen and to the door. I heard the door swing open and a panting Danielle came through the hallway to greet us. "Sorry if I startled, but Alyssa is getting herself in some deep sh•t."

   We were all focused in her words. No suprise there. I was expecting something bad to happen. Lately Alyssa and Austin have been sneaking around leaving all of us extremely curious. But my heart raced at the thought of Alyssa doing something incredibly bad. 

   "What? What did that girl do? What happened?" Liam bombarded.

   "Just come with me, they're in the park." Danielle frowned. My heart sank, because the word 'they're' meaning Austin was involved as well. Everything happened so fast, next thing you know were in the car, thick air. The park was as far as three minutes in the neighborhood from this house. We could've walked but obvious reasons, we were in a hurry. We drove up to the parking lot behind the tree blocking the view of the playground areas. Kids hence teenagers didn't usually come here, because the fact that paparazzi come and go. And the big kids, or teenagers or very young adults show up here for either business or drama. We fall in the category of highly uncommon.

   The further we walked with Danielle in the lead, the more commotion we heard. We saw a fight happening, and Alyssa happened to be not only the victim– but one of them. I saw huddled up groups of teenagers surrounding the commotion. I hardly saw what was happening, there was so much chanting, screaming, cheering and loads of a riot. When things slightly cleared a pathway, I saw a pale Alyssa, and Austin holding her back.

   "You wanna go, little b•tch?" I saw Alyssa looking like a complete wreck, talking to a blond. Austin looked amused, but at the same time he looked the slightest bit worried. I couldn't believe everything my eyes were taking in. The boys and I ran to the commotion and instantly we were all controlling her. My arms around her sloppy waist. A pair of 4 arms holding Alyssa's each arm and Zayn standing in front of her.

   "What the bloody hell is going on?" I heard Louis shout. So many people were here, I can hardly see what's going on. The only thing my mind is set to do right now is keep Alyssa from fighting. I got a sharp elbow to the forehead by Alyssa but I didn't mind. I can feel Austin hardly helping. He seemed to back away since we showed up and I found him laying face-front on the floor. Danielle bent down next to him making sure he was okay. My attention turned back to Alyssa.

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