Chapter 62 ❥ Bittersweet talk

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Chapter 62 ❥ Bittersweet talk


   "So are you gonna spill to me or not?" My mom walked into my room. She wore the same, motherly tone and sympathetic look she has always used with me.

"It's fine Mommy, I don't need anyone's pity right now." I sighed. She didn't seem to understand every time I tried to shut people out, but I know how much that won't help.

She sighed and shrugged.

I lifted my head up from my position and called for her again. "Mom?"

She turned around and gave me a questioning look. "Hm?"

"Why do you deal with me this way?" I questioned. She rose her eyebrows again before making brief steps towards my bed. "Like, I'm 18 years old. I live with you, start drama of my own that you didn't even know of-"

"Whoa, where are you going with this?" She chuckled.

"I'm saying. . . I don't know. I just feel like one of those daughters who asks for so much and I never give anything in return. Like a brat."

She didn't say anything for a moment and sat right next to me. She sighed again. I'm guessing she didn't know what to say, so she contemplated for a while. "Alyssa, do you remember those times when you were a middle-schooler; you wouldn't ever be coming to me for any advice about boys? Well mainly because you'd shut me out."

"Mom, I-"

"No, no. I understood. Because I acted that way around my Mommy. I didn't ask of anything from her because I wanted to handle things on my own. I was interested in people like your father; handsome and funny." She nudged. "I thought of my mom as an embarrassment."

"I don't think you're an embarrassment." I commented innocently.

She smiled, "And anyways. I never wanted my boyfriends to meet her or my dad."

I nodded.

"Ever since I was little, I was always wanting to prove a point to my parents that I can be independent. Doing things on my own- much like you're trying to be." She playfully glared at me. I blushed.

"But I can't be independent for sh•t, I mean, look. I can't even go 'pee-pee' without having to tell somebody out loud." I rolled my eyes. We laughed together.

"Ah, true." She teased. "But still. I was everything that you were as well. Popular." She flattered herself and I laughed again. "I finally told myself that I could accomplish something."

"I was always wearing stilettos, always putting my nose into party invitations, partying." She nearly exclaimed. "One day I happened to find myself some extra time after quite some time in college. I got pregnant. Got engaged to your father, got us a place and out came Stacey after all those months."

I rolled my eyes.

"What we saw in her was independence too."

"A little bit too independent if you ask me." I muttered bitterly but my mom chose to ignore it.

"Basically what I'm trying to say is: we're all independent. You chose to be independent, you learned the concepts of your independence- plus your still my baby girl." She pinched my cheeks and I laughed. "As of now, you're my only daughter who isn't growing another child inside of her!"

I busted out laughing. I managed to glean myself when she spoke again.

"Of course I'm gonna start 'baby-ing' you, you're still young to me. Even though I'm going to be a grandma months from now and a mother-in-law, you're my only hope; making me feel young and sh•t." She threw her hands up and I giggled.

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