Chapter 5 ❥ Backfired

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Chapter 5 ❥ Backfired

Alyssa's POV *

   I fidget with my nimble fingers as I third-eye the unique ink plastered on my left wrist.I tried calming my breathing which was hard to cope with. There are many things I really don't know about myself, and it's going to take a loads of time to actually remember. Somehow I couldn't, considering I haven't been to this place in quite a while so my mother says. It'd be a whole lot easier for me if we stayed in Miami, but unfortunately we can't. I couldn't take my eyes off the beauty of my tattoo that read 'Love' cursive in a unique way that also spells 'Hope.' It's incredible, and I'd have to be drunk to not see it.

   I got this tattoo while taking a destination to California for a visit. My best friend Sarah was with me. The brunette who dies her hair cherry-red almost all the time with a dimple on her cheek is the one I clearly remember. But if I ever had the chance to reunite with her again, it'd be a pretty awkward situation. I chuckled lightly to myself, continuously fidgeting with my fingers.

   I watched down these busy roads trying to make myself familiar with everything. I feel like I've been here, but I keep failing to remember. There was constant churning in my stomach, not only that I feel I have other tattoos but because the fact I'm about to stay with a house full of boys, whereas on the outer side are screaming fans who make you want to rip your ears off.

   I fiddled with my middle finger and pinkie. The constant screaming of girls shouting out the boys' names. I even hear my name. I guess it'd because the fact that I'm a very close friend of theirs that everyone seems to adore. It feels cool to call them my boys, but that'd make me seem like a mother.

   "We're here." My mom said with a sarcastic and annoyed tone.

   "I'm gonna have to get used to this, huh?" I stared blankly at the girls nearing to my side of the window. Thank God these weren't see through. Fangirls, they call it.

   My mom nodded. "You know, you used to be one of them right?"

   I snickered. "You're kidding."

   I shifted in my seat trying to get comfortable; but it feels weird with every teenage girl eyes burning holes into your body shrieking and sweating. It's cold outside, but that didn't seem to crawl up their ass. Everywhere I see; pale faces, red noses, and squinting. The air was thick with their shouts for my attention.

   Lucky there were a fair amount of girls here. If I was in a concert, I'd be mobbed out of my life. I don't even want to think of that thought. My head seemed to be healing, but I'm still a little sensitive.

   It's good knowing strangers care for you, but awkward at the same time. I guess I was considered 'one of the boys' way back then.

   All my mentions seemed to be caring. DM's were insanely adorable with compliments. I learned that no matter what living vagina touches one of the boys, girls all around would be pretty defensive and hateful, hasty, and nasty. But to me, it seems everything is perfectly fine. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to them– appropriately– and would get minimum amount of hate. It seems like these girls know me. If my image was to be the smart, sweet, caring best friend– so be it.

   But that's not my image.

   My image was being a brat. Stubborn, loudmouth, a drinker, noisy. I don't know if it was a good thing. That's basically describing Louis. He seems much like a sassy type if I may say so, and the crazy outgoing one as well– It suits him, perfectly.

   My mom grunted loud enough for my right ear to ring. "Well. Better now than never."

   "What? You're kicking me out already?"

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