Chapter 42 ❥ Somethin' Beautiful

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Chapter 42 ❥ Somethin' Beautiful

Louis' POV *

   My adrenaline rush got the best of me once Harold told me about his new coming arrival here in London. He says he didn't let anyone or anything get in his way of his flight ticket. The thing is, nothing made him flinch or seize to appear. All he wants is to see Lys get better just as well as the rest of us did.

She came home briefly after I had to pick her up. Her mum was too upset to even bear the agonizing pain of seeing her daughter come home in nothing but the mood of cranky. Alyssa always carried herself as 'vulnerable' and 'reserved.' It only makes matters a whole lot cranky. Alyssa always went home for two weeks with the hasty lip-line plastered on her face. She would lock herself up in her room, to which Liz didn't let her. The woman didn't trust her daughter to be alone, knowing she'd do something crazy.

We grew to found out Alyssa did a little cutting in the previous life. We couldn't let her do it, though it was only one cut. She once revealed to me that it was temporarily infrequent to her, and that she promised not to do it anymore.

The best thing about it was; pinky-promising. Alyssa always grew by that state of matter and she will never grow to stop. She always believed that pinky-locking was extremely powerful to her existence, and it should never be underestimated. Otherwise, she'd walk around the rest of her life with one pinky.

Surprisingly, I picked up Alyssa only to see her with a small grin on her face. It sure wasn't all that vulnerable, but her facial expressions said it all that she was kind of...happy?

Once I took her home, she didn't fail to surprise me. She hugged her mum, kissed me on the cheek along with the other boys and she managed to hop onto the couch and watch the telly without even falling. Wouldn't be surprised if she did anyway! The girl was a clumsy one.

She actually kept her head held up high, I must say - it surprised me while lot. It scared me at first that she wasn't being mean or such and I was happy myself to see to it. Now here I am, anxious until tomorrow to see my best mate make my best friend happy. Alyssa propped her leg up to my lap whilst laying her back on the arm of the couch, I flinched a little; thinking she'd try and hurt me. My tense actions suddenly loosen as I sigh deeply and continue to look ahead towards the telly. We've watched Netflix after Liz got it installed and everything, we wee on the verge of watching every single chick flick in the world. I didn't seem to mind, hence pay attention as my heart was fluttering. Knowing Harry was on his way back here, I'm just ridiculously excited to see the happy look on Lys' face.

I'm also nervous if her reactions aren't what myself or the others expect. I'm afraid she'll either kick him out, or hug him until the boy isn't breathing anymore. I tend to calm myself by seeing a much brighter reaction coming from her, knowing her best friend is alive and breathing.

Every now and then, she'd doze off into her own little world. She would constantly mumble 'Harry' in hopes of bringing him back to her existence. It's truly sad seeing her confused and depressed; not particularly knowing what she is saying or doing.

The boys have went off home, after playing a game of Twister in the living room - causing a huge smile to appear on Alyssa's face. She laughed contagiously, seeing everybody in one moment be happy and silly together. I was happy myself, except for the lack of girlfriend sitting next to me. I miss Eleanor dearly, but sometimes seeing other things come to mind make me feel happier and make me forget about the long distance we have in this time. Again, time has healed all of us. Time healed me forget about how long I won't be seeing Eleanor, and time healed Harry to come to his sense and come on over to see Alyssa.

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