Chapter 40 ❥ Fix A Heart

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Chapter 40 ❥ Fix A Heart

Danielle's POV *

    "Eleanor, you look fine! Just turn the camera so I could see you!" I protested. You'd think this girl is the classiest at dressing, but she can be very insecure as well. Skyping the princess, I texted Liam on the way, missing him dreadfully. I haven't seen the admiration of his face and nor did he see mine. I was so used to leaving him, I was beginning to hate what I do for a living.

"But don't I look fat? I look fat don't I, don't I?" She shamefully twirled before face-palming herself.

"You don't! Bless you." I groaned. "Louis' going to love it when you surprise him! I wish I could surprise Liam, but I can't. The dancers and I are getting to this hectic schedule and I only have a minute left to talk."

I fixed the outfit I was wearing, hearing the jingles of the sequenced material. The place was cold for my liking, but I've gotten used to it. I looked up from my spot to find all the dancers stretching before practicing continuously. I removed the laptop from my bare legs, feeling the heat become more radiant.

"Aww," Eleanor coo'd.

"I could just imagine his face right now." I dazed.

"Same here! It's such an early timing though, don't you think? I mean, I only left him a couple weeks ago."

"I guess, but still!" I gushed on the bleachers.

"Peazer! Breaks are over, turn off all devices at this time." My last name being called and the voice reverberating in the room.

"I've gotta go now babe, text you later!"

"Bye Dani! Miss you!"

Alyssa's POV *

   "Harry!" I jolted up from my spot, only to find that I was sitting in my bed. Whoa - what the hell? I took place in my room, sitting up in my bed. I clutched my heart dramatically, taking in my surroundings to find that I was sweating in my bed. Where is everybody? 

"And the princess has awakened." A deep voice said hot in my ears. I groaned to find Travis grinning like an idiot right next to me. With a shift of my body to one side, I hid my face under my palms.

"What happened?" I croaked out, managing to choke down the morning voice that I was developing. I ignored Travis' curious glances and pulled at my phone to find that we're still in the same day. I'm wearing the same clothes I wore in the Gym and I'm still sweating.

"You kinda bunked in my car after we got back from the gym." He stated matter-of-factly. So none of the kissing, death, and drama never happened? It was all just a stupid nightmare? "I had to carry you up here. Babe, you've slept for over 6 hours."

"Are you complaining?" I retort. "Where's Harry?" I abruptly ask. I instantly regret doing so. My head was throbbing, and my legs felt heavy-weighted. No surprise there.

"Harry as in the one from One Direction? I don't know babe, but there are four of them downstairs." He shrugs, as if he didn't know them. I look to his face to see the amused smile on it, I roll my eyes.

"Aren't you mad at me?" 

"For what?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"For- er- nevermind." My heart started racing. When ruminating deep in thought, my eyes started brimming with tears at the sight of those images. I face palmed myself, burying my face in my hands and silently cried. "Harry.."

"Babe, what's wrong?" He coo'd in my ear. He sat up in his position and pulled me into my arms, stroking my hair. The moment was still pretyy dumb to me, I don't know why I'm crying.  I was engulfed into an even deeper hug.

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