Chapter 35 ❥ Witheld Truths

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Chapter 35 ❥ Withheld Truths

Alyssa's POV *

    "I look like an idiot, delete that video." I pouted, constantly whining as the boys put the video on replay just to tease me. My arms are just nowhere near toned and my facial expressions could kill.

   "You beat Louis! He's the idiot here." Zayn reassured, earning a shrug from Louis who took it as if it were nothing. I loved the attitude he holds when he's in defeat– it's nothing more than just sass. Probably in the mean time, he'll be saying something much more humorous and sassy. He leaned back in his chair with a small grin, not looking discouraged or protrude of the undaunted. I would've been talkative if I were to lose to the apparent 'great and powerful' Louis Tommo the Tomlinson.

   I drastically burped causing all attention to look directly at me. The whole room went silent until Niall was the first to burst into barks of laughter followed by the rest of the room. I was vigorously blushing and sinking deeper into my seat at Louis and the rest of the boys clutched their stomachs. When they gleaned themselves and sobered up, I 'hmphed' in exasperation. Sure it was amusing but now they're just gonna tease me.

Harry's POV *

   The intensity in this very bedroom didn't seem to lessen. Furiously panting and sweating whilst the only sounds you can hear are the sounds of my panting and breathing along with Christina's and the cars beeping outside the Florida air. I twirl a piece of her fairly long dark hair in between my middle finger and index. Her panting and breathing started to low down a bit as our heart rates go back to average. Hangovers were the worst but this just definitely awakened me.

   Christina was looking straight up at the ceiling in my suite, covering her bare chest with droplets of sweat on them. She seemed to be in deep thought so I didn't bother breaking it or interrupting her. I turn to my side to face her completely when the covers were still hovered over my bare and sweaty body. She sends me a small smile without even looking at me and scrutinizing the magnolia-coloured ceiling. No words were being said, just a tedious silence passing us.

   She's so beautiful, no wonder she's confident about herself. I sometimes miss being with girls who are very shy and make me want to set up a whole speech about it on how wrong and insecure they are, but this one was amazing and seemed to manage it all themselves. Sometimes I wonder why girls even bother to try and look good, everybody is beautiful in their own way.

   "Harry," Her voice called next to me. I raise my brows with a grin remaining on my face as she turns to me. "Were we safe?"

   "Of course, love. I'd let you know." I kissed her forehead as she sighs of relief.

   "Okay." She simply replies quietly, returning her gaze back up to the ceiling.

   "What are you thinking of?" I continuously wrap the same strand of hair in my fingers over and over again as she sighs again.

   "Nothing, er, just how amazing that was." She blushed. I chuckled at her sudden redness in her pale cheeks and place a kiss on either sides of them. Her fingers lightly trace my 'G' tattoo on my shoulder, causing smallest of goosebumps forming on my exposed skin.

   "I don't mean to sound rude, but you should probably get going; you're cousin or friends will be looking for you." I nuzzled my face into her neck. I carelessly let her sweat come to my forehead along with my curls at her chin.

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