Chapter 49 ❥ Tilt

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Chapter 49 ❥ Tilt

   "Get ready," Harry orders me. Instead of protesting, I do as told and jolt up the steps of my house. Just when I thought it was going swell, I skip a step and land on my elbows.

   "Aw, sh•t! How many more mistakes today." I  mumble, clear enough for the whole room to hear.

   "And, cut!" My director Steven, called out. "That's a wrap for today, good job everyone!" He clapped, along with the executive producers, co-producers, my hair stylist and makeup stylist did the same. "Allison, marvelous job. That was, until you fell." He winks at me, which I shift around uneasily in. "Great job Harry!" The bell rings, indicating that the cameras were off until the next day.

   "Thanks again Steven, can't wait for next scene tomorrow." I grin wearily at him, turning to my movie guest-star/boyfriend Harry Styles and an even brighter smile appears on my face. I rub my elbows in the process as Harry tries and caresses me. "Great job, babe."

   "And great job to you, my princess, as per. You okay?" He slyly winks at me as he slings an arm around me. I nod, grunting and nearly limping. "Man. How could you go throughout this whole movie pretending to have an American accent and wear brown contact lenses?"

   "And how could you go throughout this whole movie pretending to be my best friend from childhood, and act like you don't love me?" I kiss his cheek, a teasing grin still tugging at my lips.

   "I suffer behind the smiles." He shrugs. I shake my head at him as we leave the set and go for coffee. It was the usual routine, after doing another scene of our movie called 'Tilt.' I didn't think we'd make it this far, and I seriously cannot wait until we see it all come together. If I wasn't playing the part for this Alyssa character, she'd be in for a real dramatic scene. Harry Styles was indeed a spectacular actor, probably even better acting than me. Oh who am I kidding, we're both wonderful.

   "Great job, Allison and Harry!" Perrie Edwards, Danielle Peazer, and Eleanor Calder were invited to be extra mains in this movie. They were just adoring, I was glad to have them here most of all. "You okay, by the way?"

   "Thanks guys!" I grin at the beautiful girls standing before me. "And yes, I'm fine. Sh•t happens to me; all the time." I turn towards another Directioner, "Ariana, get the girls. Wanna go out for some coffee with Harry and I?" I ask my other celebrity guests Ariana Grande, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, and the marvelous Jasmine Villegas. I take one last glance at the mirror, Harry releasing his arms from me as I solemnly remove the brown contact lenses for the movie. My natural eye colour was an ocean blue, but nothing compared to Niall's or Louis'. Theirs were far better than my own. 

   "Sure Allison! Lemme just redo my makeup." Ariana applied the natural she always plastered on whilst the other girls were scrambling for their coats and everything. Ariana Grande was my bestest friend of all, and I'm glad we could use her in the movie.

   "Oh, you're not going to invite me?" A sinister voice came from behind the lot of us, and we turn around to see Emily Rudd, the beautiful and talented who plays as Christina in our movie. "C'mon, I didn't hit you that hard in the car accident scene." She jokes, engulfing her arms into me as I drown in my laughter at her hilarious jigs.

   "Of course you can come Emily, didn't see you there love." I poke her nose on her ivory skin colour.

   "You know what I want," Eleanor throws a brief wink at me.

   "It's so weird seeing us pretend we're not our own characters in this movie." Lucy Hale comments. We all murmur in agreement as we carried our last few couple of bags and walk out of my dressing room that I share with Maia Mitchell, the lovely Aussie girl who plays as Addison. Harry remained at my side throughout the whole time as we gathered a few other things and leave the set of the house that plays as Alyssa's. I'm going to dearly miss this place when the movie shooting is over, I wouldn't know what to do afterwards. Nothing but attend Award Shows with One Direction and the rest of the cast who make it.

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