Chapter 37 ❥ Great Dismay

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Chapter 37 ❥ Great Dismay

Harry's POV *

   "Who is this?" I furrow my eyebrows, feeling my system go wild. Adrenaline rush, you could say. the feeling of rejection probably, the unknown feeling rushing right through me.

"That's er.. my cousin. Remember I told you about that- that I lived with my cousin?" Christina replies, almost uncertain of herself. This only made my eyebrows furrow even more but my only response was to nod understandingly. No words leaving my mouth as I ruminate deeply on the picture held between my index and thumb, fidgeting with the sides endlessly. She looked intoxicated, sweaty, and nearly having a look of no other than her vulnerable personality.

"It's pretty funny how I see him grinding on you in all these photos." I state, no humor in my voice at all whatsoever. I could sense the retaliation Christina was about to give me and feeling her eyes sting deeply into me. I could also feel her retalitation forming, almost prominent.

"If you're trying to acuse me of something, just drop it." Christina spits, brushing past my knees and heading to the kitchen. We've been slightly moody lately with the constant bickering going further hand and I have no choice but to retaliate. But of course, I always let her win. To see the smile on her face brings an even wider and goofy grin to my face, leading to the perfect mood.

"Whatever." I mumble; almost not clear enough to hear and not really knowing what to say or how this'll be dealt with. I've got to remind myself that seeing her win wouldn't relent anything but seeing her smile was actually forgiving nonetheless. This was a chill day; no going out, no parties, but just watching Tv whilst drinking continuously to steaming hot tea and flicking through Christina's album full of what they call 'fetus.' The bittersweet taste I feel on my tastebuds in the after taste, lingering in my mouth as I contemplate. Flickering through high school photos that she let me see. "You were a cheerleader?"

Her head snaps in my direction, her eyes suddenly widen and soon her body came trudging towards me. She unexpectedly snatches the album away from me, with the photos no longer in my vision, me being taken aback by her sudden reflexes. "Er, psh yeah." Her image of the small smile that was on her young face back in the old days. Though Christina was at the bottom of the row, on her palms and knees. I didn't get a chance to see the girl at the top of the pyramid. "I was..uh.. head cheerleader."

"Really? Then why were you at the bottom instead of the t-" I paused, realising how much I'm prying and how ridiculous I sound. "So, er, what high school did you attend?"

"Baker County, it's an all-girls school actually." She replies, looking away. I looked at her in disbelief before feeling my heart pumping.

"No way, that's the same place Alyssa went to!" I exclaim, taking her aback. My jaw was wide opened, knowing my pupils were getting larger by a millesecond.

"Ah, really?" She asks, slightly uneasy. "I didn't k-know."

"Alyssa was the head cheerleader." I smile, that was until I realise Christina had lied to me. "Wait.. there was only one head cheeleader."

"S-so? I mean, are you sure you're not mistakened because-"

"Oh I know I'm not mistakened." I nod, almost too soon.

"I mean, I'm older than the girl. I was probably too busy not caring about somebody a year younger than everybody. She was probably one of those losers that nobody even talked to." She unexpectedly cackled a laughter. I shifted uneasily on the leather seat feeling uncomfortable about offending Alyssa like that. I mean, I know that Alyssa doesn't like Christina, but did Christina feel the same way?

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