Chapter 29 ❥ Fearless

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Chapter 29 Fearless

Alyssa's POV *


   "Wait, wait." Perrie chuckled over the phone. I see no amusement in this, she really scared me this time. "You thought I was talking about a wedding ring?!" She cackled up fits of laughter. In my defense, I find it very insulting that she looks at this as a joke. I was ruminating as to why she thought it was, I find marriage and death no joking matter. There are many other things I find that aren't to laugh at.

   "Yes." I sternly said over the phone, trying to keep quiet. I assumed she heard what was tinkling in the background

   "Oh goodness Lys, are you taking a wee?" She giggled.


   "You silly girl! What time is it over there, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

   "It's like 4:15am. And so what? It's not like I got anywhere to go tomm- oh shit. I do, actually. I got work at night though, so it's no worries. And how about you? What time is it over there?" I contemplated over and over in my mind, scrutinizing what was in front of me. I find it funny how I ended up in this position when on the phone with her. She muttered in response. "Wait, what? Sorry, I was flushing."

   Her voice was now clear with giggles. "It's 11:15pm at night. Aw, rubbish! I missed 11:11pm!"

   "Aw, I remember every night I used to worry about missing it. Why? What would you wish for?"

   "If I tell you, it won't come true." I can imagine her pouting right now, with her bigs eyes in emphasis.

   "It won't happen either way, Perrie." I stifled a laugh. My voice was very tiredsome and 'hoarsy.'

   "Don't say that! I strongly believe that 11:11 wishes have at least hope."

   "Okay, you're weird. You can try again tomorrow night, Pear." I reassured.

   "Aw, I'm a fruit now." She coo'd. "You should really get some rest, I could hardly understand you with that morning voice of yours."

   "Me either, I guess." It was really difficult trying to produce words to come out of my mouth, it seems as if I ad lost it again.

   "You should really stop eating what you're eating now if you don't wanna lose it!" She joked, causing me to frown slightly.

   "Trust me," I falsely chuckled. "I'm not eating anything."


   "Welcome back, my favorite bartender!" Jenna exclaimed, with a change of a nose-ring and eyeshadow. I was greeted by her with big and welcoming arms, engulfing me into a hug. Addison gave me funny looks from behind her but I didn't seem to get the odd message.

   "Thanks." I chuckled in her grasp. I was agitated at firt, but I officially began to let loose. I have to keep reminding myself how everything besides myself are very subtle. 

   "Holy sh•t, who were you in bed with?" Jenna scrutinized me. The prospect of recieving a specific response never occured to me until she added; "You're so skinny now, who worked all of the skin off of you?"

   I laughed at how prominent her face looked when it was dead serious. "Nobody. Sex doesn't work off this fat." I muttered.

   "Alyssa, don't you dare start with me. You were skinny before you even left, don't take it seriously." She justified with the essentials of my insecurities. I was obscure with it; of course I don't wanna believe her. "So why are you here so early? I'm mean like really early, your shift doesn't start until about five more hours."

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