Chapter 52 ❥ Dominant

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Chapter 52 ❥ Dominant

Alyssa's POV *

   "Damn car." Louis flusters, throwing fits and pulling at his chocolate hair. I'd be aggravated as well, and I'm not even a proper driver. Harry seemed shocked the most, I'd be the same too. My gaze drops to Blu, who had a coat of the darkest innocent eyes I've ever seemed to semblance from him. I stroke his fur, mumbling incoherently and cooing at him. "Choose a damn lane."

   "W-the hell…" Harry rubs his forehead, later snapping his head towards my direction to see if I'm okay. I nod reassuringly, furrowing my eyebrows together. If I hadn't put my seat belt back on, I would've flew right across and crashed through the glass. Deja vu, I may add. It was scary really. My stomach did somersaults, and next thing you know I was rolling down Harry's window and emptying my stomach out. My hair was being lifted off my shoulders, my neck being fanned and ugly moans escaping my lips at Harry helped me vomit. "You okay babe? Damn Lou, did you know she was sick?"

   The disgusting and familiar taste of puke lingers at the corner of my lips. "F•ck…" I moaned, running my fingers through my hair in attempt to keep it out of my face; later falling back down. How could a car jolt be so strong enough to touch my internals and cause me to vomit? I couldn't be pregnant, that's nonsense. "Sh•t," I swore again, my head jerking forwards into another set of vomiting. This time, a strand of hair was covered from the content and my hair was being lifted off my shoulders by Harry.

   "Oh god." I could sense Louis grimacing, shoving every ounce of guilt down his throat while the icky content flows out of mine. "Water babe?"

   I shook my head instead of responding, hoping my words wouldn't leak out of my mouth again. "Wait, yes." I turn the other way coughing, grabbing the water bottle from Louis' palms and mouth washing it. Previously, he pulled over to a stop so he could open the door in case I vomited again. The horrible stench filled my nostrils, me gargling more water and spitting it onto the poor snow-covered grass. "Sorry."

   "Not your fault." Harry patted my back as I leaned over the gas station trash that smelled better than my internal substances. "Are you good?" I look to Blu who was nearly sleeping, and I stroked his fur.

   The moment passed by like another wasted minute until I coughed up a few more, nodding my head afterwards and heading right back into Louis' car. The aura was unwelcoming, but I decided against it to head back out. Louis went inside the gas station to get me Gatorade and a fruit bar, thinking it'd help me. The atmosphere got slightly warmer, the boys didn't seem fazed by it. They were used to any kind of weather, I'm jealous actually. "Thank you Louis." I gratefully smile as I gulp down the red liquid, later taking a bike out of the fruit bar.

   "No problem at all." He pats my head, smiling the smile that should be given away to all blind people. His smile literally lights up everybody's day, I'm sure of it. He started up the car, the engine revving with its mighty power and its pace quickened down the road. I'm sure the cars are aware that they should start driving carefully, let alone fear Louis' driving skills as an adult. The dude doesn't even shave anymore.

• • •

   "Wow, nobody told me the famous Alyssa was going to be this beautiful." Josh nagged, a serious face shielding the mischievous smirk on his face. I blushed a crimson while shaking his hand. "Actually I knew, I've seen you in the papers sometimes." I adjusted Blu in my arms, letting out a fake grunt. My stomach lost that uneasy feeling, I was now feeling better. Thanks to Louis, of course. "Just didn't think you'd be gorgeous in person. How are the paps treating you?"

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