Chapter 31 ❥ No Air

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Chapter 31 ❥ No Air

Alyssa's POV *

   "So… Harry decided to stay in Florida?" I asked, heartbroken. He's supposed to be with me at all times, instead he ditches me for some girl he hardly knows and just barely met. Some kind of best friend he is.. I'm shattered. He is supposed to be helping me here, but I guess it's just my fault I'm not telling him the disadvantages of how my life is going. The boy doesn't even know about the binge, anorexia, or depression in my life now; I don't think it's fair he doesn't know.

   If he knows now, it'll hurt him. If he finds out himself, it'll hurt him even more.

   It's not my fault I don't want him to deal with this bullsh•t and put him through it, it's not his problem. It's my own and I don't think it's actually safe anymore to deal with it myself. But isn't that the whole deal? Sticking together, helping each other, telling each and every one of us everything?

   I guess I'm just taking advantage of it.

   "Sorry mate." Louis frowns. He tried reassuring me but I denied it.

   "It's fine." I gulped, feeling a swarm of jealousy, anger, and sadness rushing through me. The feeling was so physical, I feel as if all those feelings formed into one and was shoved down my throat. Swallowing and breathing is difficult at the moment. But then again, what is there to swallow?

   "No, it's not." Liam chimed in. "We tried reasoning with him, but I guess he's messed in the head."

   "Let's please not make anymore of this about me. Please? In case you guys haven't noticed, you guys worry about me too much. Also, I want to think about the plus sides."

   We all settled into an agreement. I had to restrain from laughing, considering Addison inched herself away from Niall with a little blush and giggly moment, biting her finger. He was oblivious to it as he paid no attention to her, listening in on our conversation.

   "Zayn, please hop off that cigarette." I sighed. He was in the corner, smoking away.

   "Sorry babe." There they go again, apologizing and using the 'babe' word at the same time. He blew his last smoke before walking over to us and joining in on our conversation, endlessly coughing. 

   "So where are the girls? Did they leave already?" I asked.

   "Actually Eleanor and Danielle leave tomorrow afternoon, Perrie is gone already." Louis justified. "Well Dani and El are shopping somewhere."

   "Great. It's awesome to know my best British girlfriends would rather shop than surprise me." I chuckled. I shook it off as a joke, but on the inside I was slowly dying on how everybody was slowly drifting away from me. "Let alone Harry Styles, my ultimate British best friend, who would rather stay in a country other than his– but mine. And choose his apparent girlfriend over me."

   "Hey, hey, don't say it like that." Louis patted my back. "He's an arsehole, we know. When he comes to realise what he is missing, he'll come crawling back. We'll just hardly accept him."

   "You know, he drunk texted me." I giggled, hiding away all the sad expressions I was holding. It was a nice save actually; tears were nearly brimming in my eyes.

   "Really? What did he s–" Louis started.

   "Yeah, I was stuck taking care of the lad." Zayn interrupted. "Sorry, show us the texts then." I pulled out my phone and scrolled a few before showing them evidence of Harry's idiocy. We all fell into laughter.

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