Chapter 24 ❥ Reunion

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Warning: I'd advise you guys not to attempt to any of the things you're about to read :]


Chapter 24  ❥ Reunion

Alyssa's POV *

   "Should this be any of my concern?" Danielle asked. I was so caught up in my rants, I honestly didn't give a care about anybody else until I see the cause of things.

   "It's alright Danielle. No need to worry." I reassured, hopeful she would drop the situation but my heart sank at her bombarding the same considerations.

   "What did your mum say?" She hastily asked. Literally, this woman was like a second mother. I never really grew up with my father that I never met, so I don't know what it's like to actually roam free and I possibly could've developed the 'care-free' side from him, but I obviously wouldn't know that. I'm glad I consider Liam my second father, with his sweet aura. I don't know my father's actions, but I'm sure he was a great guy with wit and humour. From what my mom tells me most of the time, he was very childish, and always joking. I don't believe my mom was that way, but she definitely has the 'flirty' and 'spontaneous' in her. I never even experienced their true love for each other either.

   "My mom said that…" I sighed while shrugging. "I should come back home."

   Danielle tried keeping herself together as her eyes widened. "And why is that?"

   "Why?" The girls asked behind me. I considered this to be a private conversation but apparently not.


   "Is it because she misses you, love?" Perrie asked me. I can honestly say I was getting ticked by their prying even though they tried to keep themselves together. If they ask further questions about it, I swear I might–

   "Did something bad happen?" Sarah furrowed her eyebrows with a slight pout.

   "My sister is back!" I spat, with a very harsh and cold glare. They all stared at me by my sudden outburst and tone but I soon softened my own features apologetically. Everybody had apparently heard this and now everyone's attention was on me.

   "What?" Harry asked. All the boys and girls had asked the same question. I groaned.

   "My sister is back, and now my mom wants me to come back home. There!" I announced. They all looked at me with 50/50 shock and concern. I turned back around in my tracks and continued to lug and drag the annoyingly large backpack on me.

   "She's on her period." I heard Camila whisper. They all muttered a few things with the remains of the concern.

   "How long has it been?" Harry asked when he was suddenly right next to me. I assume he unlocked fingers with that Christina.

   "Seven hellish years, sister-less." I gritted my teeth. I ignored his gaze, continuously walking. I soon turned around with a smut look. "Well, it wasn't really all that much hell considering– oh yeah– I don't f•cking remember them!" 

   He looked at me as if I was the scariest thing in the world. To be honest, I was scared myself on why I was acting this way. I'm a very bipolar person nowadays and it ticks me off as well. I'd hate to be the distress of everything including myself. I pray that these guys won't bring anything up because I was literally blowing off some steam unknowingly. They apparently had other plans.

   "Do you want me to fly there with you?" He asked. I looked at him in complete confusion on why he would want to leave everybody including that girl he calls his apparent girlfriend. Scratch the 'ap' in that word; parent. Yeah, this one is a mature one.

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