Chapter 17 ❥ Florida

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Chapter 17 ❥ Florida

Alyssa's POV *

   "Thank you for finally deciding to come with us." Harry smirked as I was busy wiping all the glasses. He was sat on the counter being so incredibly annoying with his ego and everything, it ticks me off sometimes. But, I can't hate him for anything. He just has that one thing about him that'll make me always have a soft spot for him, which annoys me too. These past few days have been fun on the way with meeting new people and everything. Drunk people every night, music pumping, hilarious dance moves that I've never experienced, and just the fun in general.

   "Whatever. Just hate the fact that I'm gonna have to wake up early in the morning to carry all those stupid and heavy backpacks, luggage and everything." I continued scrubbing away, admitting all my rants to him, not giving two shits about my discouragement. Come to realize. "I can't believe Jenna actually agreed to let me go for a week. Even my mom."

   "First off, your mum is great and really laid-back. I don't know about Jenna, I still haven't met her yet. Wow, you must be really something to them."

   "I'm special, Harry." I winked up at him before returning back to the annoying scum-filled cups. Why do we even re-use these? People often barf around here.

   "That you are." I felt Harry smiling down to me. His minty breath due to the gum filling my nose along with his nice aroma.

   "So how long do you wanna stay here? I'm almost done working for the afternoon-shift."

   "I'll just wait til' you're done. After all, you can't keep walking home." He snickered because he just can't let go of the fact that I can't drive still, which is driving me insane.

   "Well, who says I walk? I have Addison."

   "She's probably tired of you." Harry joked. I'm so defensive, I set down the cup and towel to smack him on the arm. The sympathy he offers was great, it was so sufficient. Note that damn sarcasm again.

   "Shut up! She's the one who offers." I spat in an amused way. We giggled within each other's stupidity of our conversations until the time finally came for me to leave. My vision was so nebulous and hazy, I was desperate for some sleep.

   "You wanna come over? You know, to help the girls pack and everything?" He asked me as we were already in his car.

   I groaned. "As much as I love them, I hate helping out. But it's the least I can do." I smiled. I feel so guilty for my personality.

   "Cranky, much?" Harry chuckled with his eyes still on the road.

   "You know what? When I start driving, I want you to help me." I changed the subject unexpectedly.

   "I'd love to, but don't you need your mum's permission? Unless, your becoming badass again and you wanna do it behind her back." He indicated with a smirk. I looked at him intellectually and shrugged it off with a grin.

   "Don't give me any ideas, Harreh." I sat up in my seat, adjusting the recliner before falling back onto it. "And what do you mean? I'm no badass. I'm a good girl." I huffed with a smile.

   "Doesn't sound like an Alyssa to me." He used a sing-song tone.

   "Just gonna have to find my way back to that Alyssa, hm?" I asked. This time, Harry dropped his child-like mood and had his thinking face on. The situation seemed so sentimental at the moment, I wanted to get into that big head of his. "Hey, er, what are you thinking about?" I anticipated this moment.

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